Friday, June 14, 2019
Federal Update
An overview of federal programs and how states are or may be impacted.
Moderator: Lucia Bragg, NCSL
- Eric Letvin, deputy assistant administrator for mitigation, FEMA
- Jordan Dorfman, senior attorney-advisor, WIFIA program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The New Normal: Lessons Learned from Recent Flood Events
Recent flood events from hurricanes and storm-related river flooding are disrupting 100- and 500-year floodplain models. What lessons have states learned from recent events and how will that change how they plan for and mitigate the impacts of future events?
Moderator: Jennifer Schultz, NCSL
- Representative Richard Yow (R-S.C.)
- Representative Charles Isenhart (D-Iowa)
- Kathleen Ligon, Texas Water Development Board
- Gerry Galloway, Glenn L. Martin Institute professor of engineering, University of Maryland; UMD Center for Disaster Resilience
Nature-Based Solutions
This session explored how green infrastructure, such as living shorelines and wetlands restoration, can help communities prepare for flooding.
Moderator: Josh Kurtz, director of policy development, The Nature Conservancy
- Todd Miller, founder and executive director, North Carolina Coastal Federation
- Janine Harris, marine habitat resource specialist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Designing for Disaster
A discussion of policies and programs that can strengthen community resilience including broad infrastructure planning, building codes and other strategies that can significantly diminish damage, reduce the cost of recovery and save lives.
Moderator: Forbes Tompkins, The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Whitford Remer, counsel and director of public policy, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety
- Nicholas Bonard, branch chief, Water Resources Protection & Mitigation, Washington, D.C., Resilience Office
Maryland Deep Dive (held at the National Aquarium)
Connecting on flood risk across the state of Maryland.
Moderator: Delegate Dana Stein (D-Md.)
- Gerry Galloway, Glenn L. Martin Institute professor of engineering, University of Maryland; UMD Center for Disaster Resilience
- Kyle Overly, director of disaster risk reduction, Maryland Emergency Management Agency
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Virginia Deep Dive
Connecting on flood risk across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Moderator: Andria McClellan, city councilwoman, Norfolk City Council
- Joshua Saks, deputy secretary of natural resources, Commonwealth of Virginia
- James Redick, director, Emergency Preparedness and Response, City of Norfolk
- Pamela Braff, Ph.D. Student, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Proactive & Prepared: Financing for Flood Risk Reduction
Flood mitigation revolving loan funds and other innovative financing mechanisms such as stormwater utility fees or Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans to help pay for infrastructure upgrades necessary to mitigate the effects of flooding. are an increasingly popular mechanism for funding pre-disaster mitigation.
Moderator: Kim Tyrrell, NCSL
- Matthew Fuchs, officer, The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Kathleen Ligon, assistant director, Texas Water Development Board
- Delegate Courtney Watson (D-Md.)