This full-day, in-person meeting will be a postconference to NCSL’s 2024 Legislative Summit and is intended for legislators and legislative staff who are interested in disaster and fiscal resiliency policy. Legislative attendees will bring their expertise in budgeting, fiscal management and disaster policy to bear to discuss how to best leverage federal funding opportunities, manage fiscal risks and create a resilience action plan to stay ahead of extreme weather. The meeting's interactive format will give you the chance to collaborate and share ideas with your peers from other states grappling with similar issues after recent floods, wildfires, high winds and drought.
Thursday, August 8
7:45-8:30 a.m.
8:30-9 a.m.
Welcome | Introductions
9-9:50 a.m.
Session 1
State Perspectives - A Facilitated Discussion
- Jessica Hoffman, training specialist, Legislative Training Institute, NCSL
9:50-10 a.m.
10-11 a.m.
Leveraging Funding to Support State Priorities
11 a.m.-noon
The Insurance Dilemma – How states are adapting to a changing insurance landscape. (Climate Risk Models)
David Snyder, vice president of international policy and counsel, American Property Casualty Insurance Association
Taylor Walker, chief of state relations and policy advisor, National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Noon-1 p.m.
1-1:50 p.m.
Lessening the Liability – Strategies for state investment in disaster resilience. (vulnerability assessments)
Paul Chinowsky, professor emeritus, Civil Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder
Ben Duncan, chief resilience officer and agency head, South Carolina Office of Resilience
1:50-2 p.m.
2-3:40 p.m.
Action Planning Session
- Jessica Hoffman, training specialist, Legislative Training Institute, NCSL
3:40-4 p.m. |
Next Steps | Conclusions |
4 p.m.
Workshop concludes
Registration is by invitation only.