Alabama |
Lobbyists. Fee: $100. Public employee lobbyists are exempt from the fee. Ala. Code § 36-25-18.
Registration shall be in writing and contain: (1) The registrant's full name and business address. (2) The registrant's normal business and address. (3) The full name and address of the registrant's principal or principals. (4) The listing of the categories of subject matters on which the registrant is to communicate directly with a member of the legislative body to influence legislation or legislative action. (5) If a registrant's activity is done on behalf of the members of a group other than a corporation, a categorical disclosure of the number of persons of the group as: 1-5; 6-10; 11-25; over 25. (6) A statement signed by each principal that he or she has read the registration, knows its contents and has authorized the registrant to be a lobbyist in his or her behalf as specified therein, and that no compensation will be paid to the registrant contingent upon passage or defeat of any legislative measure. Ala. Code § 36-25-18.
A registrant shall file a supplemental registration indicating any substantial change or changes in the information contained in the prior registration within 10 days after the date of the change. Ala. Code § 36-25-18.
Alaska |
Lobbyists. Fee: $250. Alaska Stat. Ann. § 24.45.041.
The registration form prescribed by the commission must include: (1) the lobbyist's full name, complete permanent and temporary residence, business address and telephone number; (2) the full name and complete address of each person by whom the lobbyist is retained or employed; (3) whether the lobbyist's employer employs the lobbyist solely as a lobbyist or a regular employee performing other services; (4) the nature or form of the lobbyist's compensation, including salary, fees, or reimbursement for expenses; (5) a general description of the subjects or matters on which the registrant expects to lobby; (6) the full name and complete address of the person, if other than the registrant, who has custody of the accounts, books, papers, bills, receipts, and other documents required to be maintained under this chapter; (7) the identification of a legislative employee or public official to whom the lobbyist is married or who is the domestic partner; (8) a sworn affirmation by the lobbyist that the lobbyist has completed the training course administered by the commission within the 12-month period preceding the date of registration or registration renewal, excluding a person who is a representational lobbyist; (9) a sworn affirmation that the lobbyist has not been previously convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude. Alaska Stat. Ann. § 24.45.041.
The registration form may be accompanied by four 2.5 x 2.5 inch black and white photographs of the lobbyist less than 6 years old. Alaska Stat. Ann. § 24.45.041.
Arizona |
Principals. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 41-1232. Public Bodies. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 41-1232.01. Lobbyists. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 41-1232.05. Fee: no more than $25.
Registration, by a principal on behalf of which lobbying may occur, shall contain: 1. The name and business address of the principal. 2. The name and business address of a person who is the designated lobbyist for the principal, regardless of whether such person is engaged to lobby for compensation. 3. The name and business address of each lobbyist for compensation or authorized lobbyist employed by, retained by or representing the principal. 4. For each lobbyist for compensation, designated lobbyist or authorized lobbyist that is not an individual, the name and business address of all employees of that lobbyist who lobby on the principal's behalf. 5. The nature of the primary business or activity, issue, interest or purpose of the principal. 6. The duration of the engagement of any lobbyist. 7. A description of the expenses for which each lobbyist is to be reimbursed by the principal. 8. A listing of the state entities the lobbyist has been engaged or designated to lobby including the legislature and state agencies, boards, commissions or councils. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 41-1232.
Registration, by a public body on behalf of which lobbying may occur, shall contain: 1. The name and business address of the public body. 2. The name and business address of a person who is the designated public lobbyist for the public body, regardless of whether this person is engaged to lobby for compensation. 3. The name and business address of each authorized public lobbyist employed by, retained by or representing the public body. 4. For each designated public lobbyist or authorized public lobbyist that is not an individual, the name and business address of all employees of such designated public lobbyist or authorized public lobbyist who may lobby on the public body's behalf. 5. A description of the expenses for which each designated public lobbyist and authorized public lobbyist is to be reimbursed by the public body. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 41-1232.01.
The lobbyist registration form shall include: 1. The name of the lobbyist for compensation, designated lobbyist or designated public lobbyist. 2. The business name and address of the lobbyist for compensation, designated lobbyist or designated public lobbyist. 3. A statement that the lobbyist for compensation, designated lobbyist or designated public lobbyist has read the lobbyist handbook. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 41-1232.05.
Arkansas |
Lobbyists. Ark. Code Ann. § 21-8-601 & § 21-8-602. No fee specified by statute.
Lobbyist registration forms shall contain the following information: (A) The name, address, and telephone number of the lobbyist; (B) The calendar year for which the lobbyist is registering; (C) The types of public servants being lobbied; (D) The name, address, and telephone number of the lobbyist's client or employer; (E) A description of the nature of the lobbyist's client or employer; and (F) Certification by the lobbyist that the information contained on the lobbyist registration form is true and correct. Ark. Code Ann. § 21-8-601.
California |
Lobbyists, Lobbying Firms, Lobbyist Employers. Cal. Gov't Code § 86100. Fee: $50. Cal. Gov't Code § 86102.
Lobbyist certification shall include: (a) A recent photograph of the lobbyist, in a size prescribed by the Secretary of State. (b) Lobbyist's full name, business address, and telephone number. (c) A statement that the lobbyist has read and understands the prohibitions contained in Sections 86203 and 86205. (d) A statement regarding the lobbyist's completion of the ethics course. (e) Any other information the commission requires consistent with this chapter. Cal. Gov't Code § 86103.
Lobbying firm registration shall include: (a) The full name, business address, email address and telephone number of the lobbying firm. (b) A list of the lobbyists who are partners, owners, officers, or employees of the lobbying firm. (c) The lobbyist certification of each lobbyist in the lobbying firm. (d) The following info regarding each person with whom the firm has contracts to provide lobbying services: full name, business address, email address, and telephone number, an authorization signed by the person, the time period of the contract, and information sufficient to identify the nature and interests of the person, the lobbying interests of the person, and a list of the state agencies whose legislative or administrative actions the lobbying firm will attempt to influence for the person. (e) The name and title of a partner, owner, or officer of the lobbying firm who is responsible for filing statements and reports and keeping records required by this chapter on behalf of the lobbying firm, and a statement signed by the designated responsible person that he or she has read and understands the prohibitions contained in Sections 86203 and 86205. (f) Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter. Cal. Gov't Code § 86104.
Lobbyist employer registration shall include: (a) The full name, business address, email address, and telephone number of the lobbyist employer. (b) A list of the lobbyists who are employed by the lobbyist employer. (c) The lobbyist certification of each lobbyist employed by the lobbyist employer. (d) Information sufficient to identify the nature and interests of the filer, including: If the filer is an individual, the name and address of the filer's employer, if any, or his or her principal place of business if the filer is self-employed, and a description of the business activity in which the filer or his or her employer is engaged. If the filer is a business entity, a description of the business activity in which it is engaged. If the filer is an industry, trade, or professional association, a description of the industry, trade, or profession which it represents including a specific description of any portion or faction of the industry, trade, or profession which the association exclusively or primarily represents and, if the association has 50 or fewer members, the names of the members. If the filer is not an individual, business entity, or industry, trade, or professional association, a statement of the person's nature and purposes, including a description of any industry, trade, profession, or other group with a common economic interest which the person principally represents or from which its membership or financial support is principally derived. (e) The lobbying interests of the lobbyist employer, and a list of the state agencies whose legislative or administrative actions the lobbyist employer will attempt to influence. (f) Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter. Cal. Gov't Code § 86105.
Colorado |
Lobbyists. Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 24-6-303. State Official or State Employee Lobbyists. Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 24-6-303.5.
Fee amount not specified by statute. Volunteer and not-for-profit lobbyists may be exempt from the fee. Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 24-6-303.
Professional lobbyists registration shall include: (a) His or her full legal name, business address, and business telephone number; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of his or her employer, if applicable; (c) The name, address, and telephone number of the client for whom he or she will be lobbying; and (d) The name, address, and telephone number of any other professional lobbyist for whom he or she is lobbying on a subcontract basis. Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 24-6-303.
State Official or State Employee lobbyist registration shall include: (I) The designated person's full legal name, principal department address, and business telephone number; (II) The name of any state official or employee who is lobbying on behalf of the principal department, the name of such person's division or unit within the principal department, his classification or job title, and the address and telephone number of his division or unit. Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 24-6-303.5.
Connecticut |
Qualifying lobbyists (paid or expends $3000 or more per year on lobbying). Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 1-94.
Fee: reasonable fee not in excess of the cost of administering the registration form, not less than $25. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 1-95.
If the registrant is an individual, registration must include: the registrant's name, permanent address and temporary address while lobbying and the name, address and nature of business of any person who compensates or reimburses, or agrees to compensate or reimburse the registrant and the terms of the compensation, reimbursement or agreement, but shall not include the compensation paid to an employee for his involvement in activities other than lobbying. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 1-95.
If the registrant is a corporation, the name, address, place of incorporation and the principal place of business of the corporation. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 1-95.
If the registrant is an association, group of persons or an organization, the name and address of the principal officers and directors of such association, group of persons or organization. If the registrant is formed primarily for the purpose of lobbying, it shall disclose the name and address of any person contributing three thousand dollars or more to the registrant's lobbying activities in any calendar year. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 1-95.
If the registrant is not an individual, the name and address of each individual who will lobby on the registrant's behalf. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 1-95.
Registration must also include identification, with reasonable particularity, of areas of legislative or administrative action on which the registrant expects to lobby, including the names of executive agencies and quasi-public agencies and, where applicable, solicitations for state contracts and procurements. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 1-95.
Delaware |
Lobbyists. Del. Code Ann. tit. 29, § 5832. Fee amount not specified by statute.
Lobbyists must register electronically with the following information: (1) The name, residence or business address and occupation of each lobbyist; (2) The name and business address of the employer of such lobbyist; (3) The date on which the employment as lobbyist commenced; (4) The length of time the employment is to continue; and (5) The subject matter of legislation, regulation or administrative action as to which the employment relates at that time. Del. Code Ann. tit. 29, § 5832.
District of Columbia |
Lobbyists. Fee: $250. Lobbyists for nonprofit organizations pay only $50. D.C. Code Ann. § 1-1162.27.
Registration shall include the following information: (A) The registrant's name, permanent address, and temporary address while lobbying; (B) The name and address of each person who will lobby on the registrant's behalf; (C) The name, address, and nature of the business of any person who compensates the registrant and the terms of the compensation; and (D) The identification, by formal designation, if known, of matters on which the registrant expects to lobby. D.C. Code Ann. § 1-1162.29.
Florida |
Lobbyists, Lobbying firms. Fee set annually by a joint rule established by both houses. Fla. Stat. Ann. § 11.045.
Lobbying firm filing must include: Full name, business address, and telephone number of the lobbying firm; Name of each of the firm's lobbyists; and Total compensation provided or owed to the lobbying firm from all principals for the reporting period, reported in one of the following categories: $0; $1 to $49,999; $50,000 to $99,999; $100,000 to $249,999; $250,000 to $499,999; $500,000 to $999,999; $1 million or more. Full name, business address, and telephone number of each principal; and Total compensation provided or owed to the lobbying firm for the reporting period, reported in one of the following categories: $0; $1 to $9,999; $10,000 to $19,999; $20,000 to $29,999; $30,000 to $39,999; $40,000 to $49,999; or $50,000 or more. If the category “$50,000 or more” is selected, the specific dollar amount of compensation must be reported, rounded up or down to the nearest $1,000. Fla. Stat. Ann. § 11.045.
Georgia |
Lobbyists. No annual fee, but commission shall set, collect and retain fees for lobbyist identification cards, replacement cards, and supplemental registration. Ga. Code Ann. § 21-5-71.
Registration must include the following information: (1) The applicant's name, address, and telephone number; (2) The name, address, and telephone number of the person or agency that employs, appoints, or authorizes the applicant to lobby on its behalf; (3) A statement of the general business or purpose of each person, firm, corporation, association, or agency the applicant represents; (4) If the applicant represents a membership group other than an agency or corporation, the general purpose and approximate number of members of the organization; (5) A statement signed by the person or agency employing, appointing, or authorizing the applicant to lobby on its behalf; (6) If the applicant is a lobbyist attempting to influence rule making or purchasing by a state agency or agencies, the name of the state agency or agencies before which the applicant engages in lobbying; (7) A statement disclosing each individual or entity on whose behalf the applicant is registering if such individual or entity has agreed to pay him or her an amount exceeding $10,000.00 in a calendar year for lobbying activities; (8) A statement verifying that the applicant has not been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude in the courts of this state or an offense that, had it occurred in this state, would constitute a felony involving moral turpitude under the laws of this state or, if the applicant has been so convicted, a statement identifying such conviction, the date thereof, a copy of the person's sentence, and a statement that more than ten years have elapsed since the completion of his or her sentence; and (9) A statement by the applicant verifying that the applicant has received the Georgia General Assembly Employee Sexual Harassment Policy as set forth in the Georgia General Assembly Handbook, has read and understands the policy, and agrees to abide by the policy. Ga. Code Ann. § 21-5-71.
Guam |
Lobbyists. Fees not specified by statute. 2 G.C.A. § 8101.
Any person engaged as a lobbyist, before lobbying, shall register with the Legislative Secretary by providing the following information: (1) name; (2) business address; (3) name and address of person by whom they are employed; (4) interest in which the person appears; (5) duration of employment; (6) amount of pay or in-kind compensation including expenses and (7) names of any papers, periodicals, magazines or other publications wherein lobbyist caused to be published articles or editorials in favor or opposition of pending legislation. 2 G.C.A. § 8101.
Hawaii |
Lobbyists. No fee specified by statute. Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 97-2.
Lobbyists must certify the following information: (1) The name, mailing address, and business telephone number of the lobbyist. (2) The name and principal place of business of each person by whom the lobbyist is retained or employed or on whose behalf the lobbyist appears or works and a written authorization to act as a lobbyist from each person by whom the lobbyist is employed or with whom the lobbyist contracts. (3) The subject areas on which the lobbyist expects to lobby. Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 97-2.
Idaho |
Lobbyists. Fee: $10. Idaho Code Ann. § 67-6617.
Lobbyist registration shall include: (1) His name, permanent business address, and any temporary residential and business address in Ada County during the legislative session; (2) The name, address and general nature of the occupation or business of the lobbyist's employer, and the duration of his employment; (3) Whether the person from whom he receives compensation employs him solely as a lobbyist or whether he is a regular employee performing services for his employer which include but are not limited to lobbying of legislation; (4) The general subject or subjects of the lobbyist's legislative interest; (5) The name and address of the person who will have custody of the accounts, bills, receipts, books, papers, and documents required to be kept under this act. Idaho Code Ann. § 67-6617.
Illinois |
Lobbyists. 25 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 170/3. Lobbyist employers. 25 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 170/5.
Fee: $300. 25 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 170/5.
Lobbyist registration must include: (a) The registrant's name, permanent address, e-mail address, if any, fax number, if any, business telephone number, and temporary address, if the registrant has a temporary address while lobbying. (a-5) If the registrant is an entity, the information required under subsection (a) for each natural person associated with the registrant who will be lobbying, regardless of whether lobbying is a significant part of his or her duties. (b) The name and address of the client or clients employing or retaining the registrant to perform such services or on whose behalf the registrant appears. If the client employing or retaining the registrant is a client registrant, the statement shall also include the name and address of the client or clients of the client registrant on whose behalf the registrant will be or anticipates performing services. (c) A brief description of the executive, legislative, or administrative action in reference to which such service is to be rendered. (c-5) Each executive and legislative branch agency the registrant expects to lobby during the registration period. (c-6) The nature of the client's business, by category. (d) A confirmation that the registrant has a sexual harassment policy, that such policy shall be made available to any individual within 2 business days upon written request (including electronic requests), that any person may contact the authorized agent of the registrant to report allegations of sexual harassment, and that the registrant recognizes the Inspector General has jurisdiction to review any allegations of sexual harassment alleged against the registrant or lobbyists hired by the registrant. (e) Each unit of government in the state for which the registrant is or expects to be required to register to lobby the local government during the registration period. (f) Each elected or appointed office to be held by the registrant at any time during the registration period. 25 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 170/5.
If registrant employees or retains a sub-registrant, statements must include the name and address of the sub-registrant and identify client(s) on behalf the sub-registrant will be performing services. 25 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 170/5.
Indiana |
Lobbyists and lobbyist employers. Ind. Code Ann. § 2-7-2-3 & Ind. Code Ann. § 2-7-2-4.
Fees: $200, or $100 if a salaried lobbyist for a nonprofit organization. Ind. Code Ann. § 2-7-2-1.
The registration statement of each lobbyist who is compensated for lobbying must include the following: (1) The name, Social Security number, residence address and telephone number, and business address and telephone number of the lobbyist. (2) The name, business address, telephone number, and kind of business of each person (including the names of each officer or partner) who compensates the lobbyist. (3) The lobbyist's primary occupation and the name or names of the lobbyist's employers if different than those specified in subdivision (2). (4) The subject matter of the lobbyist's lobbying. (5) The name of any member who is a relative of the lobbyist. Ind. Code Ann. § 2-7-2-3.
The registration statement of each lobbyist who compensates a person for lobbying must include the following: (1) The lobbyist's full name, business address and telephone number, kind of business, and the full name of the individual who controls the business, the partners, if any, and officers. (2) The full name, and business address and telephone number of each person compensated by the lobbyist as a lobbyist. (3) The subject matter for which the lobbyist has employed or contracted with a lobbyist. (4) The name of any member who is a relative of the lobbyist. Ind. Code Ann. § 2-7-2-4.
Iowa |
Lobbyists. Iowa Code Ann. § 68B.36. Fees not specified by statute.
Registration must include a statement of all clients of the lobbyist and whether the lobbyist will also be lobbying the executive branch, as well as any other information required by the general assembly. Iowa Code Ann. § 68B.36.
Kansas |
Lobbyists. Fees: $50 per employer if spending $1000 or less and not an employee of a lobbying group or firm, $350 per employer if spending over $1000 and not an employee of a lobbying group or firm, $450 for each lobbyist who is an employee of a lobbying group or firm. Kan. Stat. Ann. § 46-265.
Registration shall show the name and address of the lobbyist, the name and address of the person compensating the lobbyist for lobbying, the purpose of the employment, the name of each state agency or state office and any agency, division or unit thereof and each judicial department, institution, office, commission, board or bureau and any agency, division or unit thereof and whether the lobbyist will lobby the legislative branch and the method of determining and computing the compensation of the lobbyist. If the lobbyist is compensated or to be compensated for lobbying by more than one employer or is to be engaged in more than one employment, the relevant facts listed above shall be stated separately for each employer and each employment. Kan. Stat. Ann. § 46-265.
Kentucky |
Lobbyists and lobbyist employers. Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 6.807. Fee: $250. Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 6.809.
Each legislative agent and employer must file a registration statement listing the following: (a) The name, business address and telephone number, and occupation of the legislative agent; (b) The name, brief description of the nature of the business, nature and identity of the organized association, coalition, or public interest entity, business address and telephone number of the employer, and the real party in interest on whose behalf the legislative agent is lobbying, if it is different from the employer. For the purposes of this section, if a trade association or other charitable or fraternal organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code is the employer, the statement shall not list the names and addresses of each member of the association or organization, if the association or organization itself is listed; (c) The name, bill number, or a brief description of the legislative action for which the legislative agent is or will be engaged in lobbying on behalf of their employer or as a representative of the organized association, coalition, or public interest entity; (d) The date on which the legislative agent was engaged; and (e) Certification by the employer and legislative agent that the information contained in the registration statement is complete and accurate. Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 6.807.
Louisiana |
Lobbyists. Fee: $100. La. Stat. Ann. § 24:53.
Lobbyist registration must include: (1) His name and business address. (2) The name and address of each person by whom he is employed and, if different, whose interests he represents, including the business in which that person is engaged. (3)(a) The name of each person by whom he is paid or is to be paid, the amount he is paid or is to be paid for the purpose of lobbying, and a characterization of such payment as paid, earned but not received, or prospective. (b) Amounts required to be disclosed pursuant to this Paragraph shall be reported by category of value. (4)(a) An indication of potential subject matters about which he anticipates lobbying. (b) Indication of potential subject matters shall be made by choosing from a list of potential subject matter categories. (c) The unintentional omission of a potential subject matter as provided in this Paragraph shall not be a violation of this Part. (5) The identity of each legislator or spouse of a legislator with whom he or his employer has, or has had in the preceding twelve months, a business relationship. For purposes of this Paragraph, “business relationship” means any transaction, contract, or activity that is conducted or undertaken for profit and which arises from a joint ownership interest, partnership, or common legal entity between a lobbyist or his employer and a legislator or spouse of a legislator when the legislator or spouse owns ten percent or more of such interest, partnership, or legal entity. (6) One copy of a two inch by two inch recent photograph of the registrant made within the prior six months shall be filed with the initial registration form for a legislative term. (7) If a lobbyist is compensated for lobbying and non-lobbying services, he shall reasonably allocate his compensation and report only the amount received for lobbying in the manner provided in this Part. La. Stat. Ann. § 24:53.
Maine |
Lobbyist employers, lobbyists, and lobbyist associates. Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 3, § 313. State agency designated lobbyists. Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 3, § 313-A.
Fee: $200 for each lobbyist, $100 for each lobbyist associate. Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 3, § 313 & Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 3, § 313-A
Lobbyist and employers required to register must include the following information: 1. Names. The name of the lobbyist, a list of the lobbyist associates, the name of the person authorized by the lobbyist to sign the registration and reports for the lobbyist and the name of the person employing the lobbyist; 2. Business addresses. The business address and other contact information for the lobbyist, the lobbyist associates and the person employing the lobbyist; 3. Date. The date upon which lobbying commenced or was expected to commence; 4. Nature of business. A description of the employer's business activity or mission or a description of the industry, trade or profession that the employer represents; 4-A. Legislative interests. The general areas of legislation that the employer is attempting to influence; 4-B. Legislative committees. The joint standing committees of the Legislature that the lobbyist expects to lobby during the year; 4-C. Website of employer. The address for the employer's publicly accessible website; 4-D. Date of completion of required harassment training. The date that the lobbyist completed the training required under section 170-B; and 5. Compensation. The amount of compensation that the lobbyist will receive for that lobbyist's services or, if an exact amount is unascertainable, the basis upon which the lobbyist will charge for those services. Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 3, § 316.
State employee or agency lobbyists required to register must include the following information: 1. Names. The name, business address and contact information of the employee and the department or agency the employee is representing and the address for the publicly accessible website of the department or agency the employee is representing; 2. Position description. A position description; 3. Description of agency. A description of the department or agency the employee is representing, its jurisdiction and its activities; and 4. Legislative interests. The general subject areas of legislation that the department or agency is attempting to influence. Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 3, § 316-A.
Maryland |
Lobbyists. Fee: $100. MD Gen. Provis. § 5-704.
Each registration form, which must be submitted electronically, shall include the following information, if applicable: (1) the regulated lobbyist's name and permanent address; (2) the name and permanent address of any other regulated lobbyist that will be lobbying on the regulated lobbyist's behalf; (3) the name, address, and nature of business of any entity that has engaged the regulated lobbyist for lobbying purposes, accompanied by a statement indicating whether, because of the filing and reporting of the regulated lobbyist, the compensating entity is exempt under § 5-702(c) of this subtitle; and (4) the identification, by formal designation if known, of the matters on which the regulated lobbyist expects to perform acts, or to engage another regulated lobbyist to perform acts, that require registration under this subtitle. MD Gen. Provis. § 5-704.
Massachusetts |
Legislative agents, executive agents, lobbyists, and clients or employers thereof. Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 3, § 41 & Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 3, § 47.
Fee: $1,000. Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 3, § 41.
Registration form prescribed by the state secretary. Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 3, § 41. Contents of the registration are not specified by statute.
Michigan |
Lobbyists and lobbyist agents. Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 4.417. Fee not specified by statute.
Lobbyist registration shall include the following information: (a) The name and office address of the lobbyist. (b) The name and address of each person employed, reimbursed for expenses which exceed $10.00, or compensated by the lobbyist for lobbying in this state. (c) The name, address and nature of business of a person who gives compensation to or reimburses the lobbyist or the representative of a lobbyist for lobbying. (d) The fiscal year of the lobbyist. Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 4.417.
Lobbyist agent registration shall include the following information: (a) The name and office address of the lobbyist agent, if the lobbyist agent is not an individual. (b) The name, permanent residence address, and office address of the lobbyist agent, if the lobbyist agent is an individual. (c) The name and address of each person employed, reimbursed for expenses which exceed $10.00, or compensated by the lobbyist agent for lobbying in this state. (d) The name, address, and nature of business of a person who gives compensation to or reimburses the lobbyist agent or the representative of a lobbyist agent for lobbying. Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 4.417.
HOWEVER: The statute's requirement that registrants disclose identities of persons who contributed to their lobbying organizations unconstitutionally infringed upon free association rights. Pletz v. Sec'y of State, 125 Mich. App. 335, 336 N.W.2d 789 (1983).
Minnesota |
Lobbyists. Fees: not specified, but a penalty schedule for late or failing to register is provided at Minn. Stat. Ann. § 10A.03.
Lobbyist registration must include: (1) the name, address, and e-mail address of the lobbyist; (2) the principal place of business of the lobbyist; (3) the name and address of each individual, association, political subdivision, or public higher education system, if any, by whom the lobbyist is retained or employed or on whose behalf the lobbyist appears; (4) the Web site address of each association, political subdivision, or public higher education system identified under clause (3), if the entity maintains a Web site; and (5) a general description of the subject or subjects on which the lobbyist expects to lobby. If the lobbyist lobbies on behalf of an association, the registration form must include the name and address of the officers and directors of the association. Minn. Stat. Ann. § 10A.03.
Mississippi |
Lobbyists and lobbyist clients. Fee: $25. Miss. Code. Ann. § 5-8-5.
The registration statement shall include the following: (a) The name, address, occupation and telephone number of the lobbyist; (b) The name, address, telephone number and principal place of business of the lobbyist's client; (c) The kind of business of the lobbyist's client; (d) The full name of the person or persons who control the lobbyist's client, the partners, if any, and officers of the lobbyist's client; (e) The full name, address and telephone number of each lobbyist employed by or representing the lobbyist's client; and (f) A statement or statements by the lobbyist and lobbyist's client indicating the specific nature of the issues being advocated for or against on behalf of the lobbyist's client, with sufficient detail so that the precise nature of the lobbyist's advocacy is evident from the statement itself. Miss. Code. Ann. § 5-8-5.
Missouri |
Lobbyists. Fee: $10. V.A.M.S. 105.473.
Registration forms shall include the lobbyist's name and business address, the name and address of all persons such lobbyist employs for lobbying purposes, the name and address of each lobbyist principal by whom such lobbyist is employed or in whose interest such lobbyist appears or works. V.A.M.S. 105.473.
Montana |
Lobbyists. Fee: $150, subject to a hardship waiver, and waived if annual lobbying compensation is less than $2,150. Mont. Code Ann. § 5-7-103; Mont. Code Ann. § 5-7-112.
Registration information required to be supplied is not specified by statute, but includes the name and business address of each lobbyist, the name and business address of the lobbyist's principal, and the subject or subjects to which the employment relates or a statement that the employment relates to all matters in which the principal has an interest. Mont. Code Ann. § 5-7-201.
Nebraska |
Every person employed, retained, or authorized as a lobbyist. Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 49-1480.
Fee: $200 for each principal, and $15 for each principal if unpaid. Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 49-1480.01.
The registration statement shall include the following: (1) The name, permanent residence address, and office address of the lobbyist; (2) The name and address of the principal of such lobbyist; (3) The nature of the business of such principal and the amounts or sums given or to be given the lobbyist as compensation or reimbursement for lobbying. A lobbyist who is salaried or retained by a principal need only report that portion of compensation or reimbursement reasonably attributable to lobbying; (4) A description of the business activity of the lobbyist; (5) An identification of the matters on which the principal or lobbyist expects to lobby; (6) If the principal is an industry, trade, or professional association, a specific description of the industry, trade, or profession represented by the principal and the names and addresses of its officers; (7) If the principal is not an industry, trade, or professional association, a specific description of the interests and groups represented by the principal and the names and addresses of its officers; and (8) The name and address of any official in the legislative or executive branch, and of any members of any such official's staff or immediate family, who are employed by the lobbyist or any person acting on behalf of such lobbyist if such information is known or reasonably should have been known to the lobbyist. Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 49-1480.
Nevada |
Lobbyists. Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 218H.200. Fee: not specified by statute, but authorizes the Legislative Commission to establish fees. Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 218H.500.
The registration statement of a lobbyist must contain the following information: 1. The registrant's full name, permanent address, place of business and temporary address while lobbying. 2. The full name and complete address of each person, if any, by whom the registrant is retained or employed or on whose behalf the registrant appears. 3. A listing of any direct business associations or partnerships involving any current Legislator and the registrant or any person by whom the registrant is retained or employed. The listing must include any such association or partnership constituting a source of income or involving a debt or interest in real estate required to be disclosed in a financial disclosure statement made by a public officer or candidate pursuant to NRS 281.571. 4. The name of any current Legislator for whom the registrant, or any person by whom the registrant is retained or employed, has, in connection with a political campaign of the Legislator, provided consulting, advertising or other professional services since the beginning of the preceding regular session. 5. A description of the principal areas of interest on which the registrant expects to lobby. 6. If the registrant lobbies or purports to lobby on behalf of members, a statement of the number of members. 7. A declaration under penalty of perjury that none of the registrant's compensation or reimbursement is contingent, in whole or in part, upon the production of any legislative action. Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 218H.210.
New Hampshire |
Lobbyists. Fee: $50 for each person lobbying for each reported client or employer. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 15:4.
The lobbyist registration shall be on a form prescribed by the secretary of state that shall at a minimum include: (a) The full name of the person registering, if that person is affiliated with a partnership, firm, or corporation, the name of that partnership, firm, or corporation, the name of the client who has employed the person registering, his or her respective business addresses, or if none, his or her residence address. (b) The usual occupation or primary field of business of each. (c) The date and character of the employment or agreement therefor. (d) The duration of the employment if it can be determined. (e) The special subjects of legislation or executive branch action, if any, to which the employment relates. (f) If the person registering is a member of or affiliated with a partnership, firm, or corporation that has other members or employees who are also registered as a lobbyist, a list of the full name of each such person. Being listed in this subparagraph does not relieve anyone who will be lobbying for this client from being listed individually under subparagraph (a). (g) The following statement followed by a line for each person filing the form to sign and date the form: “I have read RSA 15 and hereby swear or affirm that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.” N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 15:3.
New Jersey |
Lobbyists and government affairs agents. Fees set by the ethics commission. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 52:13C-23.
Registration filing must include the following information: (1) his name, business address and regular occupation; (2) name, business address and occupation or principal business of the person from whom he receives compensation for acting as a governmental affairs agent; (3)(a) name, business address and occupation or principal business of any person in whose interest he acts as a governmental affairs agent in consideration of the aforesaid compensation, if such person is other than the person from whom said compensation is received; and (b) if a person, identified under paragraph (2) of this subsection as one from whom the governmental affairs agent receives compensation, is a membership organization or corporation whose name or occupation so identified does not, either explicitly or by virtue of the nature of the principal business in which the organization or its members, or the corporation or its shareholders, is commonly known to be engaged, clearly reveal the primary specific economic, social, political, or other interest which the organization or corporation may reasonably be understood to seek to advance or protect through its employment, retainer, or engagement of the governmental affairs agent, a description of that primary economic, social, political, or other interest and a list of the persons having organizational or financial control of the organization or corporation, including the names, mailing addresses and occupations, respectively, of those persons. The commission shall promulgate rules and regulations to govern the content of any information required to be disclosed under this subparagraph and shall take such steps as are reasonably necessary to ensure that all such information is, in accordance with those rules and regulations, both accurate and complete. Any list of governmental affairs agents and their principals required to be published quarterly shall include, for each such principal for whom it is not otherwise apparent, the primary specific interest which the principal may reasonably be understood to seek to advance or protect through its engagement of the governmental affairs agent and the category of persons required to file additional information, as that interest and such category shall have been determined under subparagraph (b) of this paragraph; (4) whether the person from whom he receives said compensation employs him solely as a governmental affairs agent, or whether he is a regular employee performing services for his employer which include but are not limited to the influencing of legislation, regulation or governmental processes; (5) the length of time for which he will be receiving compensation from the person aforesaid for acting as a governmental affairs agent, if said length of time can be ascertained at the time of filing; (6) the type of legislation, regulation or governmental process or the particular legislation, regulation or governmental process in relation to which he is to act as governmental affairs agent in consideration of the aforesaid compensation, and any particular legislation, regulation or governmental process or type of legislation, regulation or governmental process which he is to promote or oppose; (8) When a governmental affairs agent is employed or retained by any State or local government agency, department, board, bureau, commission, authority, board of education, institution of higher education, or any other government entity in this State, the notice of representation shall also indicate the compensation amount received or to be received by the governmental affairs agent from the government entity. Each notice of representation indicating that the governmental affairs agent is employed or retained by a government entity shall be posted by the commission on the commission's Internet site within 30 days of filing, and shall be easily available for public inspection through that Internet site. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 52:13C-21.
New Mexico |
Lobbyists. Fee: $50. N.M. Stat. Ann. § 2-11-3.
Registration shall include: (1) the lobbyist's full name, permanent business address and business address while lobbying; and (2) the name and address of each of the lobbyist's employers. N.M. Stat. Ann. § 2-11-3.
New York |
Lobbyists. Fee: $50. N.Y. Legis. Law § 1-e.
Statement of registration shall contain: (1) name, address and telephone number of the lobbyist, and if the lobbyist is an organization the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any officer or employee of such lobbyist who engages in any lobbying activities or who is employed in an organization's division that engages in lobbying activities of the organization; (2) name, address and telephone number of the client by whom or on whose behalf the lobbyist is retained, employed or designated; (3) if such lobbyist is retained or employed pursuant to a written agreement of retainer or employment, a copy of such shall also be attached and if such retainer or employment is oral, a statement of the substance thereof; such written retainer, or if it is oral, a statement of the substance thereof, and any amendment thereto, shall be retained for 3 years; (4) a written authorization from the client by whom the lobbyist is authorized to lobby, unless such lobbyist has filed a written agreement of retainer or employment pursuant to paragraph three of this subdivision; (5) the following information on which the lobbyist expects to lobby: (i) a description of the general subject or subjects, (ii) the legislative bill numbers of any bills, (iii) the numbers or subject matter (if there are no numbers) of gubernatorial executive orders or executive orders issued by the chief executive officer of a municipality, (iv) the subject matter of and tribes involved in tribal-state compacts, memoranda of understanding, or any other state-tribal agreements and any state actions related to class III gaming as provided in 25 U.S.C. § 2701, (v) the rule, regulation, and ratemaking numbers of any rules, regulations, rates, or municipal ordinances and resolutions, or proposed rules, regulations, or rates, or municipal ordinances and resolutions, and (vi) the titles and any identifying numbers of any procurement contracts and other documents disseminated by a state agency, either house of the state legislature, the unified court system, municipal agency or local legislative body in connection with a governmental procurement; (6) name of the person, organization, or legislative body before which the lobbyist is lobbying or expects to lobby; (7) if the lobbyist is retained, employed or designated by more than one client, a separate statement of registration shall be required for each such client. (8)(i) the name and public office address of any statewide elected official, state officer or employee, member of the legislature or legislative employee and entity with whom the lobbyist has a reportable business relationship; (ii) a description of the general subject or subjects of the transactions between the lobbyist or lobbyists and the statewide elected official, state officer or employee, member of the legislature or legislative employee and entity; and (iii) the compensation, including expenses, to be paid and paid by virtue of the business relationship. N.Y. Legis. Law § 1-e.
North Carolina |
Lobbyists, with a separate registration for each principal. Fee: $250. N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 163A-271.
The form of the registration shall be prescribed by the Secretary of State, be filed electronically, and shall include the registrant's full name, firm, complete address, and telephone number; the registrant's place of business; the full name, complete address, and telephone number of each principal the lobbyist represents; and a general description of the matters on which the registrant expects to act as a lobbyist. N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 163A-270.
North Dakota |
Lobbyists. Fee: $25 per lobbyist and the first principal, $15 for each subsequent principal after the first. N.D. Cent. Code Ann. § 54-05.1-03.
The registrant shall state in writing: (1) The registrant's full name and business address; and (2) The name and address of any person upon whose behalf the registrant appears, any person in whose interest the registrant appears or works, the duration of the employment or appearances, and by whom the registrant is paid or is to be paid. N.D. Cent. Code Ann. § 54-05.1-03.
Ohio |
Legislative agents and employers. Fee: $25. Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 101.72.
Registration must include: (1) The name, business address, and occupation of the legislative agent; (2) The name and business address of the employer and the real party in interest on whose behalf the legislative agent is actively advocating, if it is different from the employer. For the purposes of division (A) of this section, where a trade association or other charitable or fraternal organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(c) of the federal Internal Revenue Code is the employer, the statement need not list the names and addresses of each member of the association or organization, so long as the association or organization itself is listed. (3) A brief description of the type of legislation to which the engagement relates. Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 101.72.
Oklahoma |
Lobbyists. Fee: $100. Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 74, § 4250.
Contents of registration not specified by statute. Contents of registration is deferred to the Ethics Commission. Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 74, § 4250.
Oregon |
Lobbyists. No fee for electronic filing. Or. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 171.772.
Registration shall contain the following: (a) The name, address, electronic mail address and telephone number of the lobbyist. (b) The name, address, electronic mail address and telephone number of each person that employs the lobbyist or in whose interest the lobbyist appears or works. (c) A general description of the trade, business, profession or area of endeavor of any person designated under paragraph (b) of this subsection, and a statement by the person that the lobbyist is officially authorized to lobby for the person. (d) The name of any member of the Legislative Assembly employed, retained or otherwise compensated by: (A) The lobbyist designated under paragraph (a) of this subsection; or (B) A person designated under paragraph (b) of this subsection. (e) The general subject or subjects of the legislative action of interest to the person for whom the lobbyist is registered. Or. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 171.740.
Pennsylvania |
Lobbyists, lobbying firms, and principals. Fee: $100. 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 13A10.
A principal or lobbying firm shall provide the following information: (i) Name. (ii) Permanent address. (iii) Daytime telephone number. (iv) E-mail address, if available. (v) Name and nature of business. (vi) Name, registration number and acronym of any affiliated political action committees. (vii) Name and permanent business address of each individual who will for economic consideration engage in lobbying on behalf of the principal or lobbying firm. (viii) Registration number when available. 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 13A04.
A lobbying firm shall include in its statement the following information for each principal it represents: (i) Name. (ii) Permanent business address. (iii) Telephone number. (iv) Registration number when available. A principal that is an association or organization shall include in its statement the number of dues-paying members of the association or organization in the most recently completed calendar year. 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 13A04.
A lobbyist who is required to register shall file a single registration statement setting forth the following information with the department: (1) Name. (2) Permanent business address. (3) Daytime telephone number. (4) E-mail address, if available. (5) A recent photograph of the lobbyist. (6) Name, permanent business address, daytime telephone number and registration number when available of each principal for whom the lobbyist will engage in lobbying. (7) Name and registration number when available of any lobbying firm with which the lobbyist has a relationship involving economic consideration. (8) Name, registration number and acronym of any affiliated political action committees. (9) Name, registration number and acronym of any candidate political committee of which the lobbyist is an officer who must be included in a registration statement under section 1624(b)(2) and (3) of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L. 1333, No. 320),1 known as the Pennsylvania Election Code. 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 13A04.
Puerto Rico |
Statutes specifying registration requirements were not found. Registration requirements may be specified in House and Senate rules.
Statutes specifying registration requirements were not found. Registration requirements may be specified in House and Senate rules.
Rhode Island |
Lobbyists. Fees not specified by statute. RI ST § 42-139.1-4.
Registration must include: (1) Name and address of the lobbyist(s); (2) The legislation by bill number or by the subject matter(s) of the lobbying; (3) The executive branch officials or public bodies to be lobbied; (4) Compensation, except for those lobbyists employed by a lobbying firm; (5) Any other information required by the secretary. Governmental lobbyists exempted from requirements 2 through 5. RI ST § 42-139.1-4.
South Carolina |
Lobbyists or lobbying entities. Fee: $100. S.C. Code Ann. § 2-17-20.
The registration must be in a form prescribed by the State Ethics Commission and be limited to and contain: (1) the lobbyist's full name and address, telephone number, occupation, name of employer, principal place of business, and position held in that business by the lobbyist; (2) an identification of the public office or public body which the lobbyist will engage in lobbying and the subject matter in which the lobbyist will engage in lobbying, including the name of legislation, covered agency actions, or covered gubernatorial actions, if known; and (3) certification by the lobbyist that the information contained on the registration statement is true and correct. (4) If a lobbyist fails to identify the public office or public body for which he is authorized to engage in lobbying, as required by item (2) of this subsection, then the lobbyist's principal for whom the lobbyist is authorized to engage in lobbying is deemed a lobbyist's principal as to all public offices or public bodies of the State. S.C. Code Ann. § 2-17-20.
South Dakota |
Principals and lobbyists. S.D. Codified Laws § 2-12-1.
Fees set by the secretary of state but not to exceed $65. S.D. Codified Laws § 2-12-3.
Does not specifically prescribe what information must be disclosed or provided in a registration form, but the law requires that the secretary of state prepare and keep a directory of registered lobbyists that contain the following information, likely to be required at the time of registration: The directory shall contain the name and business address of the employer, the name, residence, and occupation of the person employed, the date of the employment or agreement therefor, the length of time the employment is to continue, if such time can be determined, and the special subject or subjects of legislation, if any, to which the employment relates. S.D. Codified Laws § 2-12-2.
Tennessee |
Principals and lobbyists. Fees established by rule not set by statute. Tenn. Code Ann. § 3-6-302.
Each employer of a lobbyist shall electronically file a registration statement that includes the following information: (A) Employer's name, business address, telephone number and e-mail address; and, in the case of a corporation, association or governmental entity, the names of the individuals performing the functions of chief executive officer and chief financial officer; (B) Name, business address, telephone number and e-mail address of each lobbyist authorized to represent the employer; and (C) Verification that the employer has downloaded from the commission web site or otherwise obtained the commission's manual for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists. Tenn. Code Ann. § 3-6-302.
Each lobbyist shall electronically file a registration statement that includes the following information: (A) Lobbyist's name, business address, telephone number and e-mail address; (B) Name, business address, telephone number and e-mail address of each employer the lobbyist is authorized to represent; (C) Subject matters lobbied for such employers during the registration year, to be indicated among general categories listed by the ethics commission; (D) Name and business address of any member of the lobbyist's immediate family who is an official within the legislative or executive branch; and (E) The extent of any direct business arrangement or partnership between the lobbyist and any candidate for public office or any official in the legislative or executive branch. Tenn. Code Ann. § 3-6-302.
Texas |
Lobbyists. Fees: $150 for a nonprofit lobbyist; $75 for any person who must register only for reimbursement of expenses; $750 for all other registrants. Tex. Gov't Code Ann. § 305.005.
The registration must be written and verified and must contain: (1) the registrant's full name and address; (2) the registrant's normal business, business phone number, and business address; (3) the full name and address of each person: (A) who reimburses, retains, or employs the registrant to communicate directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action; and (B) on whose behalf the registrant has communicated directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action; (4) the subject matter of the legislation or of the administrative action that is the subject of the registrant's direct communication with a member of the legislative or executive branch and, if applicable, the docket number or other administrative designation of the administrative action; (5) for each person employed or retained by the registrant for the purpose of assisting in direct communication with a member of the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action: (A) the full name, business address, and occupation of the person; and (B) the subject matter of the legislation or of the administrative action to which the person's activities reportable under this section were related and, if applicable, the docket number or other administrative designation of the administrative action; and (6) the amount of compensation or reimbursement paid by each person who reimburses, retains, or employs the registrant for the purpose of communicating directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch or on whose behalf the registrant communicates directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch. Tex. Gov't Code Ann. § 305.005.
Utah |
Lobbyists. Fee: $110. Utah Code Ann. § 36-11-103.
The lieutenant governor shall prepare a Lobbyist License Application Form that includes: (i) a place for the lobbyist's name and business address; (ii) a place for the following information for each principal for whom the lobbyist works or is hired as an independent contractor: (A) the principal's name; (B) the principal's business address; (C) the name of each public official that the principal employs and the nature of the employment with the public official; and (D) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the principal; (iii) a place for the name and address of the person who paid or will pay the lobbyist's registration fee, if the fee is not paid by the lobbyist; (iv) a place for the lobbyist to disclose: (A) any elected or appointed position that the lobbyist holds in state or local government, if any; and (B) the name of each public official that the lobbyist employs and the nature of the employment with the public official, if any; (v) a place for the lobbyist to disclose the types of expenditures for which the lobbyist will be reimbursed; and (vi) a certification to be signed by the lobbyist that certifies that the information provided in the form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of the lobbyist's knowledge and belief. Must take harassment training prior to registration as a lobbyist. Utah Code Ann. § 36-11-103.
Vermont |
Lobbyists and lobbyist employers. Fee: $60 for lobbyists, $15 for employers. Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 2, § 263.
A registration statement filed by a lobbyist shall be signed by the lobbyist and shall contain the following information: (1) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the lobbyist. (2) The name of the employer and date of employment for the biennium. (3) A description of the matters for which lobbying has been engaged by the employer. (4) If a lobbyist is compensated, in whole or in part, by an employer for the purpose of lobbying on behalf of another person or group or coalition, the lobbyist shall provide the name of the employer, the name of the person, group, or coalition on whose behalf he or she lobbies, and a description of the matters for which lobbying has been engaged by the employer. (5) A current passport-type photograph of the lobbyist. (6) All subject areas for which lobbying is performed. Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 2, § 263.
A registration statement filed by an employer shall be signed by the employer and shall contain the following information: (1) the name of the employer; (2) the trade name, if any, of the employer; (3) the mailing address and the telephone number of the employer; (4) the contact person for the employer; (5) the name and mailing address of each lobbyist engaged by the employer and date of employment or contract for the biennium. Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 2, § 263.
Virginia |
Lobbyists. Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-422. Fee: $100 per principal. Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-424.
The registration statement shall be on a form provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth and include the following information: 1. The name and business address and telephone number of the lobbyist; 2. The name and business address and telephone number of the person who will keep custody of the lobbyist's and the lobbyist's principal's accounts and records required to comply with this article, and the location and telephone number for the place where the accounts and records are kept; 3. The name and business address and telephone number of the lobbyist's principal; 4. The kind of business of the lobbyist's principal; 5. For each principal, the full name of the individual to whom the lobbyist reports; 6. For each principal, a statement whether the lobbyist is employed or retained and whether exclusively for the purpose of lobbying; 7. The position held by the lobbyist if he is a part-time or full-time employee of the principal; 8. An identification of the subject matter (with as much specificity as possible) with regard to which the lobbyist or lobbyist's principal will engage in lobbying; and 9. The statement of the lobbyist, which shall be signed either originally or by electronic signature as authorized by the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (§ 59.1-479 et seq.), that the information contained on the registration statement is true and correct. Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-423.
Virgin Islands |
Statutes specifying registration requirements were not found.
Statutes specifying registration requirements were not found.
Washington |
Lobbyists. Fee not specified by statute. Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 42.17A.600.
Registration must include the following information: (a) The lobbyist's name, permanent business address, and any temporary residential and business addresses in Thurston county during the legislative session; (b) The name, address and occupation or business of the lobbyist's employer; (c) The duration of the lobbyist's employment; (d) The compensation to be received for lobbying, the amount to be paid for expenses, and what expenses are to be reimbursed; (e) Whether the lobbyist is employed solely as a lobbyist or whether the lobbyist is a regular employee performing services for his or her employer which include but are not limited to the influencing of legislation; (f) The general subject or subjects to be lobbied; (g) A written authorization from each of the lobbyist's employers confirming such employment; (h) The name and address of the person who will have custody of the accounts, bills, receipts, books, papers, and documents required to be kept under this chapter; (i) If the lobbyist's employer is an entity (including, but not limited to, business and trade associations) whose members include, or which as a representative entity undertakes lobbying activities for, businesses, groups, associations, or organizations, the name and address of each member of such entity or person represented by such entity whose fees, dues, payments, or other consideration paid to such entity during either of the prior two years have exceeded *five hundred dollars or who is obligated to or has agreed to pay fees, dues, payments, or other consideration exceeding *five hundred dollars to such entity during the current year; (j) an attestation that the lobbyist has read and completed a training course regarding the legislative code of conduct and any policies related to appropriate conduct adopted by the senate or house of representatives. Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 42.17A.600.
West Virginia |
Lobbyists. Fee: $100, plus $100 per each principal. W. Va. Code Ann. § 6B-3-3a.
Registration information must include: (1) The registrant's name, business address, telephone numbers and any temporary residential and business addresses and telephone numbers used or to be used by the registrant while lobbying during a legislative session; (2) The name, address and occupation or business of the registrant's employer; (3) A statement as to whether the registrant is employed or retained by his or her employer solely as a lobbyist or is a regular employee performing services for the employer which include, but are not limited to, lobbying; (4) A statement as to whether the registrant is employed or retained by his or her employer under any agreement, arrangement or understanding according to which the registrant's compensation, or any portion of the registrant's compensation, is or will be contingent upon the success of his or her lobbying activity; (5) The general subject or subjects, if known, on which the registrant will lobby or employ some other person to lobby in a manner which requires registration under this article; and (6) An appended written authorization from each of the lobbyist's employers confirming the lobbyist's employment and the subjects on which the employer is to be represented. W. Va. Code Ann. § 6B-3-2.
Wisconsin |
Principals spending over $500 per year. Wis. Stat. Ann. § 13.64. Lobbyists. Fee: $250 for one principal, $400 for 2 or more principals. Subject to a veterans fee waiver. Wis. Stat. Ann. § 13.75.
Registration must include the registrant's social security number or driver's license number and an affirmation that the registration is true under penalty of perjury. Wis. Stat. Ann. § 13.63. Principal registration must include the principal's name, business address, the general areas of legislative and administrative action which the principal is attempting to influence, the names of any agencies in which the principal seeks to influence administrative action, and information sufficient to identify the nature and interest of the principal. Must also include: (a) If the principal is an individual, the name and address of the individual's employer, if any, or the individual's principal place of business if self-employed, a description of the business activity in which the individual or the individual's employer is engaged and, the individual's social security number. (b) If a business entity, a description of the business activity in which the principal is engaged and the name of its chief executive officer, or in the case of a partnership or limited liability company the names of the partners or members. (c) If an industry, trade or professional association, a description of the industry, trade or profession which it represents including a specific description of any segment or portion of the industry, trade or profession which the association exclusively or primarily represents and the name of the chief executive officer and the approximate number of its members. (d) If not an individual, business entity or industry, trade or professional association, a statement of the principal's nature and purposes, including a description of any industry, trade, profession or other group with a common interest which the principal primarily represents or from which its membership or financial support is primarily derived and the approximate number of its members. (e) The name and position or relationship to the principal of any designee who is authorized to sign other documents. Wis. Stat. Ann. § 13.64.
Wyoming |
Lobbyists. Fee: $25. Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 28-7-101.
Registration shall state: (i) The name and business address of the individual registering; (ii) The name and business address of the association, corporation, labor union, public, nonprofit or private special interest group which the person represents. Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 28-7-101.