Ala. Code § 36-25-13
2 years
A former legislator may not serve as a lobbyist or otherwise represent clients before the legislature for compensation. A former legislator may not serve as an attorney for any person other than themselves or the state. A former legislator may not counsel, advise, consult or assist in representing any person in a matter in which the state is a party or has a direct and substantial interest if they participated in the matter as part of their official responsibilities.
Alaska Stat. Ann. § 24.45.121
Alaska Const. Art. 2, § 5
1 year
A former legislator may not engage in lobbying activity before the legislature.
This restriction does not apply to volunteer lobbying or representational lobbyists. A representational lobbyist is a person who attempts to influence legislative or administrative action and does not receive compensation beyond reimbursement for travel and other expenses.
American Samoa
No statute located.
Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 38-504
1 year for representing others
2 years for using information acquired through their official duties
A former legislator may not represent another person for compensation before the legislature. A former legislator may not represent another person for compensation on a matter the officer or employee personally participated in or was directly concerned with. They also may not disclose or use for personal profit any information acquired through their official duties without authorization.
No statute located.
Cal. Gov't Code § 87406
1 year
A former legislator may not serve as a compensated agent, attorney or representative of another person before the legislature for the purposes of influencing legislative action. This includes representing another person before any legislative committee, individual member or other officer or employee.
C.R.S.A. Const. Art. 29, § 4.
2 years
A former legislator may not personally represent another person or entity for compensation before any other statewide elected officeholder or legislator.
Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 2-16a
1 year
A former legislator may not work as a lobbyist.
Del. Code Ann. tit. 29, § 5837
1 year
A former legislator may not work as a lobbyist for compensation.
Fla. Const. Art. 2 § 8
6 years
A former legislator may not lobby the legislature, an agency or any other state government body.
Ga. Code Ann. § 21-5-75
1 year
A former legislator may not register as a lobbyist or engage in lobbying.
2 G.C.A. § 8101
2 years
A former legislator may not serve as a lobbyist.
Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 84-18
1 year
A former legislator may not represent a person or business on a matter the former legislator participated in, on a matter involving official legislative action or on a matter involving administrative action.
No mandatory lobbying waiting period found in statute.
Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 5, § 430/5-45
6 months
A former legislator may not engage in activities at the state level that require registration under the Lobbyist Registration Act in a General Assembly of which the former legislator was a member.
Ind. Code Ann. § 2-7-5-7
1 year
A member of the General Assembly may not register as a lobbyist.
Iowa Code Ann. § 68B.5A
2 years
A former legislator may not serve as a lobbyist.
No statute located.
Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 6.757
2 Years
A former legislator may not serve as a legislative agent, other than for a public agency.
No statute located.
Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 1, § 1024
1 year
A former legislator may not engage in activities that would require lobbyist registration. This restriction excludes unpaid lobbying activities.
Md Gen Provis § 5-504
1 year
A former legislator may not assist or represent another party for compensation on a matter that is the subject of legislative action. This restriction does not apply to representing a municipal corporation, county or state governmental entity.
Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 268A, § 5
1 year
A former legislator may not serve as a legislative or executive agent for anyone other than the commonwealth or a state agency before the legislature. The state ethics commission may impose further regulations
Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 4.416a
Remainder of term from office they resigned
A legislator who resigns from office may not make expenditures or receive compensation or reimbursements for lobbying during the remainder of the term of office from which the person resigned.
No statute located.
No statute located.
Mo. Const. Art. 3 § 2
Miller v. Ziegler, (July 29, 2024)
2 years
A former legislator may not act or serve as a paid lobbyist, register as a paid lobbyist, or solicit prospective employers or clients to represent as a paid lobbyist.
NOTE: Missouri's revolving door provision has been held unconstitutional by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in Miller v. Ziegler, decided July 29, 2024.
No statute located.
New Hampshire
No statute located.
New Jersey
N.J. Stat. Ann. § 52:13C-21.4
1 year
A former legislator may not register as a governmental affairs agent.
New Mexico
N.M. Stat. Ann. § 10-16-8
1 year for representing before the legislature.
Indefinite for representing on a matter the representative personally participated in.
A former legislator may not represent a person for compensation before the Legislature. A former legislator may not represent a person in dealings with the government on a matter in which the former public officer personally and substantially participated while in office.
New York
N.Y. Pub. Off. Law § 73
2 years for lobbying.
Indefinite for matters the officer or employee personally participated in.
A former legislator may not serve as a lobbyist or represent a client on a matter the former legislator was directly concerned with and personally participated in. The state ethics commission or the commission on public integrity may make exceptions.
North Carolina
N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 120C-304
6 months
A former legislator may not register as a lobbyist.
North Dakota
N.D. Const. art. XIV, N.D. Cent. Code § 54-66-13
2 years.
A former legislator may not serve as a lobbyist.
Northern Marianas Islands
No statute located.
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 102.03
1 year
No former legislator may represent a person on any matter in which the former legislator participated in in their official capacity. A former legislator may not represent any person on any matter before the legislature, a legislative committee or the controlling board.
No statute located.
Or. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 244.045
2 years for public officials whose duties invested public funds.
1 year for legislators.
A former legislator who invested public funds in their official capacity may not serve as a lobbyist or representative before the entity for which the former official invested funds. They may not attempt to influence the entity or disclose confidential information they gained as a public official. A former legislator may not receive any compensation for lobbying.
65 Pa. C.S.A. § 1103
Shaulis v. Pennsylvania State Ethics Comm'n, 574 Pa. 680, 833 A.2d 123 (2003)
1 year
No former legislator may represent a person for compensation or the promise of compensation on a matter the former legislator was associated with. This restriction does not apply to attorneys.
Puerto Rico
No statute located.
Rhode Island
R.I. Gen. Laws § 36-14-5
1 year
Former legislators may not serve as lobbyists. This restriction does not apply to representation before a court of law.
South Carolina
S.C. Code Ann. § 2-17-15, § 8-13-755
1 year
Former legislators and their immediate family may not serve as lobbyists.
South Dakota
S.D. Codified Laws § 2-12-8.2
2 years
A former legislator may not be compensated for lobbying or act or register as a lobbyist. This restriction does not apply to the ability to serve as a public employee lobbyist.
Tenn. Code Ann. § 3-6-304
1 year
A former legislator may not serve as a lobbyist.
No statute located.
Utah Code Ann. § 67-24-103
1 year
A former legislator may not become a lobbyist or engage in lobbying that would require registration.
This restriction does not apply if the former legislator lobbies on behalf of themselves or a business with which they are associated unless the business's primary activity is lobbying or governmental relations.
Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 2, § 262, 266
1 year
A former legislator may not serve as a lobbyist.
This restriction does not apply to a person who engages in lobbying solely by testifying before a government body and providing information requested by legislators or administrative officials; a person who owns, publishes, or is employed by a news publication who is engaged only in acquiring or disseminating news; or an elected or appointed federal, state or local official who is acting in connection with their official duties.
Va. Code Ann. § 30-103
1 year
A former legislator may not represent a client for compensation on any matter before the General Assembly or any legislative branch agency.
Virgin Islands
No statute located.
No statute located.
West Virginia
W. Va. Code Ann. § 6B-3-2, 6B-2-5
1 year for registering as a lobbyist.
Indefinite for representing others.
A former legislator may not register as a lobbyist or represent a person on a matter the former legislator personally and substantially participated in unless the relevant agency approves the representation.
Wis. Stat. Ann. § 19.45
1 year
A former legislator may not appear on another's behalf for compensation before or negotiate with an officer or employee of the legislature.
No statute located.