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Includes legislation on filing and resolving complaints against public officials alleging ethics violations.

Conflict of Interest

Includes legislation that requires the disclosure of matters that may create a conflict of interest or present the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Contracting with Government

Includes legislation related to the relationship between contractors or prospective contractors and government officials or employees and conduct of government contractors.


Includes legislation defining statutory terms in ethics codes.

Dual Employment

Includes legislation related to holding a paid position with the state in addition to an elected office. 

Dual Office Holding

Includes legislation related to a public official holding more than one elected or appointed position.

Ethics Commissions

Includes legislation establishing ethics commissions or defining commission duties and authority.

Ethics Oversight

Includes legislation related to investigation and enforcement of governmental ethics rules and legislation related to entities that may have this oversight responsibility, including inspectors general and legislative ethics committees.

Ethics Training

Includes legislation establishing ethics training requirements for state officials and employees.

Executive Branch

Includes ethics legislation that applies to governors, agency officers and employees, institutes of higher education and other executive officials and employees, and candidates and prospective appointees.

Financial Disclosure

Includes legislation requiring state officials and employees, including candidates and prospective appointees, to report various information about their sources of income and other personal financial matters.

Gifts & Bribes

Includes legislation defining and prohibiting giving money or gifts in exchange for action by a government worker and regulating gifts to state officers or employees to prevent the possibility that a gift could appear to improperly influence official action.


Includes legislation regulating the payment of money or anything of value for appearances or other undertakings related to the individual's official duties.


Includes ethics legislation that applies to judges, including candidates and prospective appointees.

Legislative Staff

Includes ethics legislation that applies to legislative staff.


Includes ethics legislation that applies to state legislators and candidates.


Includes legislation related to lobbyists and lobbying, generally defined as efforts to influence government action through either written or oral communication. 


Includes legislation otherwise related to ethics that is not included in other topics.


Includes legislation related to state employees or officers hiring or appointing family members.

Official Misconduct

Includes legislation establishing rules of conduct and related procedures for public officials.


Includes legislation that limits government contractors’ contributions and payments to a public official.

Personal gain

Includes legislation regulating how a public official may use their position for personal benefit.

Qualifications for Office

Includes legislation that sets standards in order to hold or run for office.

Representing Others Before Government

Includes legislation related to state officials or employees advocating for or representing the interests of other individuals or entities in business before another state entity.

Revolving Door

Includes legislation related to the practice of public officials or employees working in lobbying positions after leaving public service.

Use of public resources

Includes legislation regulating how public officials and government employees may or may not use public funds and resources.

Violations and Penalties

Includes legislation covering penalties for violating ethics laws.


Includes legislation related to reporting or disclosure of government misconduct or illicit activities outside of internal reporting structures.

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