Taxes on Oil and Gas Production
Technological developments have increased access to oil and natural gas reserves across the country.
Over the past several years, many states have considered measures to benefit from these newly accessible resources and to ensure that communities are reimbursed for the impact that oil and natural gas development may have on infrastructure.
As a primary approach, states have imposed taxes and fees on the extraction, production and sale of natural gas and oil. These “severance” taxes—taxes applied to materials severed from the ground—tax the extraction or production of oil, gas and other natural resources.
Thirty-four states currently produce natural gas. In 2017, the five states that produced the most natural gas in the United States included Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Wyoming. Pennsylvania is the largest U.S. natural gas producer that does not impose a severance tax—though the state does levy a per well impact fee. In April 2018, of the 31 crude oil-producing U.S. states, the five highest producing states included Texas, North Dakota, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Alaska. In total, 34 states have enacted fees or taxes on oil and gas production.
Severance Taxes by State
Thirty-four states have enacted taxes or fees on the extraction, production and sale of oil and natural gas. These “severance” taxes, which are applied to materials severed from the ground, tax the extraction or production of oil, natural gas and other natural resources. Select a state above to learn more about state severance taxes and how severance tax revenue is allocated in each state.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Production Tax
Tax Description: 2 percent of the gross value of gas or oil at point of production
- 1 percent of the gross value for five years from first production for wells permitted July 1, 1996 through June 20, 2002
- 1.66 percent of the gross proceeds from offshore production at depths greater than 8,000 feet below mean sea level
Revenue Allocation: Revenues credited to the state general fund to defray costs associated with the conservation and regulation of oil and gas production.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Privilege Tax
Tax Description: 8 percent of the gross value of gas or oil at point of production
- 6 percent of the gross value of gas or oil at point of production for offshore wells producing more than 200 MCF per day at depths less than 8,000 feet and wells permitted after July 1, 1988.
- 4 percent of the gross value of gas or oil at point of production for: Offshore wells producing 200 MCF or 25 BBLs or less per day at depths less than 8,000 feet; Oil wells producing 25 BBLs or less per day; Gas wells producing 200 MCF or less per day; 3.65 percent of proceeds from offshore. production from depths greater than 8,000 feet below mean sea level.
Revenue Allocation:
- Submerged lands: 90 percent to state general fund and 10 percent to oil or gas producing county.
- Non-submerged lands: 25 percent to state general fund. Of the remaining 75 percent: 66.66 percent to state general fund and oil or gas producing county (via formula); 16.66 percent to oil or gas producing county; 16.66 percent to state general fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Production Tax
Tax Description: 35 percent of net production value for oil and gas, or the value at the point of production less all qualified lease expenditures.
- The tax on gas production from the Cook Inlet Sedimentary Basin may not exceed annual taxable volumes produced multiplied by the average tax rate from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006.
- The tax on gas production from Cook Inlet leases or properties that began gas production after March 31, 2006 may not exceed the annual gas volumes produced multiplied by 17.7 cents per million cubic feet (mcf).
- The oil production tax for the Cook Inlet Sedimentary Basin may not exceed $1 per barrel.
- The oil and gas production tax may not exceed 4 percent of the gross value of the oil or gas at the point of production outside the Cook Inlet Sedimentary Basin and not including lands north of 68 degrees north latitude.
- For gas produced from leases or properties north of 68 degrees north latitude, that is used in-state, the tax may not exceed the annual gas volumes produced multiplied by 17.7 cents per mcf.
- The tax levied on oil and gas produced from leases and properties that include land north of 68 degrees north latitude, other than gas used in-state, may not be less than 4 percent or 3 percent or 2 percent or 1 percent or zero of the gross value at the point of production, based on the annual average price per barrel of North Slope crude on the U.S. West Coast.
- Under AS 43.55.201, the state collects a 1 cent per barrel conservation surcharge on taxable oil produced if there is less than $50 million in the Hazardous Release Fund.
- The State also collects an additional 4 cents per barrel conservation surcharge under AS 43.55.300.
Revenue Allocation: All revenue derived from the oil and gas production tax is deposited in the General Fund, except those payments received from an assessment or litigation, which are deposited in the Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund (CBRF).
Tax Type: Transaction Privilege Tax
Tax Description: 3.125 percent on oil and gas production, of which: 1 percent collected for distribution base; 2.125 percent collected for non-shared base.
Revenue Allocation: Distribution base: 25 percent to municipalities; 40.51 percent to counties; 34.49 percent to state general fund; Non-shared base deposited into state general fund.
Tax Type: Severance Tax
Tax Description: Tax on market value of natural gas produced:
- 1.5 percent for new discovery gas, 24 months from date of first production
- 1.5 percent for high-cost gas, 36 months from date of first production, 12-month extension possible
- 1.25 percent for marginal gas
- 5 percent on natural gas not defined as new discovery or marginal gas
- 5 percent on high-cost gas following cost recovery period
Revenue Allocation: 5 percent of revenues deposited into state general fund; 95 percent of revenues deposited as special revenues distributed according to Arkansas Highway Distribution Law.
Tax Type: Oil Excise Tax
Tax Description: Tax on market value at time of severance: 4 percent of the market value when production averages 10 barrels or less per well per day; 5 percent of the market value when production averages more than 10 barrels per well per day.
Additional taxes on oil include: 0.005 (5 mils) per barrel of oil produced in Arkansas; 2 cents per barrel of oil produced in Arkansas
Revenue Allocation: 3 percent of revenues deposited into General Revenue Fund Account; Of remaining 97 percent: 75 percent to State Treasury Fund, 25 percent to County Aid Fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Assessment
Tax Description: Up to 50 mills per barrel of crude oil or petroleum used or marketed, Up to 10 mills per MCF of natural gas produced and saved each month.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues credited to pay for costs associated with oil and gas conservation administration.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Production Assessment
Tax Description: $0.5038349 on each barrel of oil and 10,000 cubic feet of natural gas produced. Rate established annually each June. Ad valorem taxes administered by county.
Revenue Allocation: No statewide severance tax. Assessment supports the Department of Conservation’s Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources.
Tax Type: Severance Tax
Tax Description: Levied on the gross income from crude oil, natural gas and oil and gas based on gross income:
- 2 percent if income less than $25,000
- 3 percent of the excess over $24,999 for income $25,000-$99,999
- 4 percent of the excess over $99,999 for income $100,000-$299,999
- 5 percent of the excess over $299,999 for income over $300,000
Exception: Oil produced from any well that produces 15 barrels per day or less of oil, and gas produced from wells that produce 90,000 cubic feet or less of gas per day exempt.
Tax Description: Tax on oil shale gross proceeds:
- 1 percent in first year
- 2 percent in second year
- 3 percent in third year
- 4 percent in fourth and all successive years
Exception: Oil Shale: The greater of 15,000 tons per day or 10,000 barrels per day are exempt.
Revenue Allocation: For oil and gas:
- $1.5 million transferred into the innovative energy fund
- Of remaining revenues: 50 percent credited to the state severance tax trust fund, 50 percent credited to the local government severance tax fund
Revenue Allocation: For oil shale:
- 40 percent of revenues deposited in state general fund
- 40 percent of revenues deposited in state severance tax trust fund
- 20 percent of revenues deposited in local government severance tax fund
Tax Type: Ad Valorem tax
Tax Description: Rates vary by county. Severance tax can be reduced to credit 87.5 percent of ad valorem taxes.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues go directly to Colorado local governments.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Conservation Levy
Tax Description: Maximum $0.0017 of market value at wellhead; or 1.1. mills.
Tax Type: Oil, Gas and Sulfur Production Tax
Tax Description: Oil Rates (on gross value of oil):
- 12.5 percent on escaped oil
- 8 percent on ordinary oil production
- 5 percent on small well oil (less than 100 barrels/day)
- Tertiary oil based on tiered formula and updated annually: $0.219 per MCF for gas (2018).
Revenue Allocation: After refunds distributed, revenues deposited in the Oil and Gas Tax Trust Fund and dispersed to:
- General revenue fund of state
- General revenue fund of board of county commissioners of oil or gas producing county
- Mineral Trust fund
- Distribution to funds based on gas and oil rate classification.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description: Establishes a severance tax: 3 cents per barrel of oil, 1 cent per 1,000 cubic feet of gas.
Authorizes county and municipal governments to collect a severance tax on oil or gas severed within the jurisdiction of the county or municipality, as follows: An amount not to exceed 9 cents per barrel of oil. An amount not to exceed 2 cents per 1,000 cubic feet of gas.
Revenue Allocation: Collected by the Department of Revenue.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Conservation Tax
Tax Description: 2.5 percent of gross income earned on gas and oil production.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues will be distributed, as follows, after refunds are distributed:
- 60 percent into Oil and Gas Conservation Fund
- 40 percent to state tax commission
- 28 percent to oil- or gas-producing county
- 28 percent to cities from oil- or gas-producing county
- 28 percent to the public school income fund
- 16 percent to the local economic development account
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Production Assessment
Tax Description: 0.1 percent of gross revenue of oil and gas from each well in production.
Revenue Allocation: After refunds distributed, revenues go to Illinois Petroleum Resources Board.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance and Production Tax
Tax Description: Beginning July 1, 2013
- 3 percent tax on value of oil or gas severed during first 24 months of well production
- 6 percent value of gas severed
- Oil (tax on value): 3 percent for wells producing less than 25 barrels per day; 4 percent for wells producing 25 or more but less than 50 barrels per day; 5 percent for wells producing 50 or more but less than 100 barrels per day; 6 percent for wells producing 100 or more barrels per day.
Exceptions: Wells producing 15 or less barrels per day, Tax rate reduced by 0.25 percent for wells at least 50 percent of workforce hours performed by Illinois construction workers.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the General Revenue Fund.
Tax Type: Petroleum Severance Tax
Tax Description: Tax at a rate equal to the greater of:
- 1 percent of the value of petroleum,
- 3 cents per MCF for natural gas
- 24 cents per barrel of oil
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the Oil and Gas Fund.
Tax Type: Mineral Severance Tax
Tax Description: $1 per ton of coal, 8 percent tax on gross value of oil or gas.
Exception: Gas wells with gross value less than or equal to $87 per day; Low-producing oil wells
Revenue Allocation: Money for refunds distributed into mineral production tax refund fund. Of remaining revenues: 7 percent deposited in the special county mineral production tax fund.
For oil and gas for any county which had $100,000 or more in receipts: 20 percent to the mineral production education fund. The remainder credited to the state general fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Conservation Fee
Tax Description: Oil: 91 mills per barrel, Gas: 12.9 mills per MCF.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the Conservation Fee Fund.
Tax Type: Natural Resources Severance and Processing Tax
Tax Description:
- 4.5 percent of gross value of natural gas and other resources, except coal and oil.
- 4.5 percent of the market value of crude petroleum.
- Tax credit of 4.5 percent of gross value available for natural gas severed from a recovered inactive well.
Revenue Allocation: 50 percent deposited in Local Government Economic Assistance Fund and 50 percent deposited in state general fund.
Tax Type: Natural Resources Severance and Processing Tax
Tax Description:
Gas severance tax rate adjusted annually and never to be less than 7 cents per 1,000 cubic feet:
- Full Rate (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019): $0.122
- Low-producing oil-well gas: $0.013
- Low-producing gas-well gas: $0.013
- Produced water-full rate (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013): $0.118
- Produced water-incapable oil-well gas: $0.024
- Produced water-incapable gas-well gas: $0.0104 well.
Oil (percent of value):
- Full rate oil/condensate: 12.5 percent
- Low-producing oil rate: 6.25 percent
- Stripper oil rate: 3.125 percent
- Reclaimed oil: 3.125 percent
- Produced water-full rate: 10 percent
- Produced water-incapable oil rate: 5 percent
- Produced water-stripper oil rate: 2.5 percent
Severance taxes on new discovery oil and natural gas wells suspended 24 months or until payout of well.
Revenue Allocation: 20 percent severance tax revenues, up to $500,000, allocated to producing parish. Remaining funds, up to base level determined by revenue estimates, allocated to Bond Security and Redemption Fund.
Revenues exceeding base level: 50 percent allocated to Louisiana Investment Fund for Enhancement and 50 percent to state general fund.
Tax Type: Oil Field Restoration Fee
Tax Description: $0.015 for every barrel of oil and condensate produced and $0.003 for every MCF of gas produced.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in oilfield site restoration fund.
Tax Type: Oil Field Restoration Fee
Tax Description: $0.015 for every barrel of oil and condensate produced and $0.003 for every MCF of gas produced.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in oilfield site restoration fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description:
- 5 percent of the gross market value of gas
- 6.6 percent of the gross market value of oil
- 4 percent of the gross market value for stripper well crude oil
Revenue Allocation:
- 2 percent of revenue, a minimum of $1 million, deposited in the orphan well fund. Amount in fund may not exceed $3 million.
- Remaining revenue deposited in the state general fund
- General fund revenue greater than $16 million allocated for the payment of heating fuel costs credits.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Privilege Tax
Tax Description:
- 6 percent of production value for oil and gas at point of production.
- 3 percent of production value for oil produced by enhanced oil recovery method.
- Tax exemptions and reduced rates for oil or gas produced from discovery wells, development wells and two-year inactive wells.
Revenue Allocation:
- Gas revenues: 66.66 percent of revenues allocated to the state and 33.33 percent to the producing county.
- Oil revenues: First $600,000: 66.66 percent to the state and 33.33 percent to the producing county. Next $600,000: 80 percent to the state and 20 percent to the producing county.
- Over $1,200,000: 85 percent to state and 15 percent to producing county.
Tax Type: Natural Gas and Oil Production Tax
Tax Description: Gas rates (percent of gross production value), working interest:
- First 12 months of qualifying production: 0.5 percent
- After 12 months: Pre-1999 wells: 14.8 percent, Post-1999 wells: 9 percent, Stripper natural gas pre-1999 wells: 11 percent.
- Horizontally completed well production: First 18 months of qualifying production: 0.5 percent. After 18 months: 9 percent.
- Oil rates (percent of gross production value), working interest: Primary recovery production: First 12 months of qualifying production: 0.5 percent. After 12 months: Pre-1999 wells: 12.5 percent; Post-1999 wells: 9 percent.
- Stripper oil production: First one through 10 barrels a day production: 5.5 percent. More than 10 barrels a day production: 9 percent. Stripper well exemption production: 0.5 percent. Stripper well bonus production: 6 percent.
- Horizontally completed well production: First 18 months: 5.5 percent. After 18 months: Pre-1999 wells: 12.5 percent. Post-1999 wells: 9 percent.
- Non-working interest: oil and gas wells subject to 14.8 percent tax.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues allocated to counties in varying amounts. Of remaining revenues:
- 2.16 percent deposited in the natural resources projects state special revenue account
- 2.02 percent deposited in the natural resources operations state special revenue account
- 2.95 percent deposited in the orphan share account
- 2.65 percent deposited in the state special revenue fund to be appropriated to the Montana university system
- All remaining revenues deposited in the state general fund.
Tax Type: Privilege and License Tax
Tax Description: Not more than 0.3 percent of market value per barrel of oil or 10,000 cubic feet of natural gas produced, saved, marketed or stored.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues credited to special revenue account for oil and gas board expenses.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description: 3 percent on value for natural gas and non-stripper oil severed and 2 percent on value for stripper oil severed.
Revenue Allocation: One percent of revenues deposited in Severance Tax Administration Fund.
- Balance of revenues: received from school lands deposited in the Permanent School Fund.
- Received from non-school lands: Up to $300,000 per year deposited in the State Energy Office Cash Fund (determined by legislature through appropriation process). Up to $30,000 per year allocated to the Public Service Commission for administration of the Municipal Rate Negotiations Revolving Loan Fund (determined by legislature through appropriation process). Remainder is deposited in the Permanent School Fund.
Tax Type Oil and Gas Conservation Tax
Tax Description: 0.3 percent tax on value of oil or gas at wellhead.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the Oil and Gas Conservation Fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Conservation Fee
Tax Description: Up to $0.20 per 50,000 cubic feet of natural gas or barrel of oil.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues credited to the Oil and Gas Conservation Fund.
New Hampshire
Tax Type: Refined Petroleum Products Tax
Tax Description: 0.1 percent tax on fair market value per barrel of oil.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the state general fund.
New Mexico
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description:
- 3.75 percent of taxable value of oil or gas severed and sold
- 1.875 percent of taxable value for enhanced recovery project oil and gas
- 2.45 percent of taxable value for well workover projects in excess of production projection
- 1.85 percent or 2.8125 percent of taxable value for stripper wells
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the severance tax bonding fund and remaining revenues deposited in the severance tax permanent fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Conservation Tax
Tax Description: $0.19 percent of taxable value of sold oil or gas.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the Oil and Gas Reclamation Fund and the state general fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Emergency School Tax
Tax Description:
- 3.15 percent of taxable value
- 1.58 percent for stripper wells producing less than or equal to $15 per barrel
- 2.36 percent for stripper wells producing oil greater than $15 but less than $18 per barrel
- 4 percent of taxable value
- 2 percent for stripper well with annual value less than $1.15 per MCF
- 3 percent for stripper wells with annual value greater than $1.15 but less than $1.35 per MCF.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues distributed to the state general fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Ad Valorem Production Tax
Tax Description: Rate based on assessed value of property.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the oil and gas production fund.
Tax Type: Natural Gas Processor’s Tax
Tax Description:
- 0.0065 per mmbtu of natural gas multiplied by adjustment factor
- Adjustment factor equal to the annual taxable value per MCF of natural gas divided by $1.33
Revenue Allocation: Revenues distributed to state general fund.
New York
Tax Type: Real Property Tax on Oil and Gas Units
Tax Description:
Each year the state charges gas producers:
- $3000 for 1,000,000 MCF
- $2000 for 500,000 to 999,999 MCF
- $1000 for 100,000 to 499,999 MCF
- Tiered thereafter based on amount
Each year the state charges oil producers:
- $600 for 20,000 barrels
- $300 for 10,000 to 19,999
North Carolina
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description:
The amount of the severance tax is calculated as follows:
- Condensates: the applicable percentage rate of the gross price paid
- Gas: the applicable percentage rate of the market value
- Oil: the applicable percentage rate of the gross price paid
Current tax rates, effective until Jan. 1, 2019:
- Oil and condensates rate: 2 percent
- Marginal gas rate: 0.4 percent
- Gas rate: 0.9 percent
Revenue Allocation: Collected to administer the state's natural gas and oil reclamation regulatory program, to meet the environmental and resource management needs of this state and to reclaim land affected by exploration for, drilling for and production of natural gas and oil.
North Dakota
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Gross Production Tax
Tax Description:
- $.0705 per MCF of gas (changes annually on July 1)
- Gross production tax rate on oil is 5 percent of the gross value
Revenue Allocation:
- 30 percent of revenues deposited in the state Legacy Fund.
- Remainder distributed, via formula, to Oil and Gas Impact Fund and political subdivisions within state, including state general fund.
Tax Type: Oil Extraction Tax
Tax Description:
- 5 percent of gross oil value.
- Reduced to 2 percent for qualified production from wells outside the Bakken and Three Forks formations.
- If the trigger price of $90 is exceeded for three consecutive months the oil extraction tax rate increases to 6 percent and will revert to 5 percent after the trigger price is below $90 for three consecutive months.
- Stripper wells exempt.
Revenue Allocation: 30 percent of revenue credited to Legacy Fund. Of the remaining revenues: 20 percent credited to Resource Trust Fund, 10 percent credited to Common Schools Trust, 10 percent credited to Foundation Aid Stabilization, and 60 percent credited to state (distributed via formula).
Tax Type: Severance Tax
Tax Description: $0.025 per MCF of natural gas, $0.10 per barrel of oil.
Revenue Allocation: 10 percent of revenue to the Geological Mapping Fund, 90 percent of revenue deposited in the Gas Well Fund.
Tax Type: Gross Production Severance Tax
Tax Description: Tax on gross production and based on monthly average crude oil and gas prices:
- 7 percent for gross value of oil and gas production
- 2 percent levy on oil and gas wells drilled after July 2015 for 36 months; then increased to 7 percent
- Incremental production from secondary and tertiary enhanced recovery projects
- Horizontally drilled wells
- Reestablished production from inactive wells
- Incremental production from production enhancement projects
- Production from deep wells
- Production from new discovery wells
- Production from wells drilled based on 3-D seismic surveys
Revenue Allocation: Revenues distributed to: General Revenue Fund, County Highway Fund, and revenue distribution to these funds varies based oil or gas tax rates.
Tax Type: Additional Excise Tax on Petroleum and Gas
Tax Description: .085 percent of the gross value on each barrel of petroleum oil (0.085 of 1 percent); 0.095 percent of the gross value of all-natural gas and/or casinghead gas (0.095 of 1 percent).
Revenue Allocation:
Revenues from oil:
- 82.634 percent deposited to the General Revenue Fund
- 10.526 percent deposited to Corporation Commission Plugging Fund
- 6.84 percent deposited to the Interstate Oil Compact Fund of Oklahoma
Revenues from gas:
- 82.6045 percent deposited to the General Revenue Fund
- 10.5555 percent deposited to the Corporation Commission Plugging Fund
- 6.84 percent deposited to the Interstate Oil Compact Fund of Oklahoma
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Production Fee
Tax Description: $0.0035 per barrel of petroleum liquid produced
- $0.00015 per MCF of natural gas produced
- Exception: oil and gas exempt from oil and gas production tax
Revenue Allocation: 3 percent of revenues deposited in the Oklahoma Tax Commission Revolving Fund and the remaining revenues, after July 1, 2013, deposited in the Sustaining Oklahoma’s Energy Resources Revolving Fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Production Tax
Tax Description:
- 6 percent of gross value of oil or gas well production
- First $3,000 in gross sales values from each calendar quartile exempt
- Credits for ad valorem taxes on oil or gas production
Revenue Allocation: After refunds distributed and after funds distributed to Department of Revenue for expenses related to tax: Revenue deposited in Common School Fund.
Tax Type: Unconventional Gas Well Fee (no severance tax)
Tax Description: Fee on oil or gas well. Fee changes annually with price of natural gas. For the years 2015 to 2016, natural gas was taxed at 5 percent. For 2017 to 2018, the fee was 6.5 percent.
Revenue Allocation:
Revenue deposited in the Unconventional Gas Well Fund with the following earmarks:
- County Conservation Districts: $7.5 million
- Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission: $1 million
- Public Utility Commission (PUC): $1 million
- Department of Environmental Protection: $6 million
- PA Emergency Management Agency: $750,000
- Office of State Fire Commissioners $750,000
- Dept. of Transportation $1 million
- Marcellus Legacy Fund (Natural Gas Energy Development Program): $2.5 million
After earmarks: 60 percent revenues given to counties and municipalities through the unconventional gas well fund and 40 percent of revenues allocated for statewide initiatives through the Marcellus Legacy Fund.
South Dakota
Tax Type: Energy Minerals Severance Tax
Tax Description: 4.5 percent of taxable value of energy minerals (including oil and gas).
Revenue Allocation: 50 percent of revenues distributed to county in which the energy minerals or mineral products were severed and 50 percent to State General Fund.
Tax Type: Conservation Tax on Severance of Energy Materials
Tax Description: Excise tax of 2.4 mills of the taxable value of any energy minerals (including oil and gas) severed and saved.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues from oil and gas deposited in the Environment and Natural Resources Fee Fund for gas and oil conservation.
Tax Type: Gas and Oil Severance Tax
Tax Description: 3 percent of sale price of natural gas and crude oil.
Revenue Allocation: One-third of revenues allocated to producing county and two-thirds of revenues deposited in the state general fund.
Tax Type: Gas and Oil Production Tax
Tax Description:
- 7.5 percent tax of gas and liquid hydrocarbons market value
- 4.6 percent tax of oil market value or 4.6 cents for each barrel of 42 standard gallons of oil produced in this state, whichever rate results in the greater amount of tax
- 4.6 percent tax of gas condensate market value for gas condensate
- Incentives and exemptions for inactive wells, marginal wells and high cost gas wells
Revenue Allocation: 0.5 percent of revenues used for enforcement of production tax and tax provisions
- Remaining revenues: 25 percent deposited in the Foundation School Fund and 75 percent deposited in the General Revenue Fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Field Clean-Up Regulatory Fee
Tax Description: $0.006625 per barrel of crude oil and $0.000667 per MCF of gas
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the Oil and Gas Regulation and Cleanup Account; revenue in account may not exceed $20 million or fall below $10 million; fund used to plug abandoned or orphan wells.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description: Oil (percent of market value): 3 percent if valued at $13 or less per barrel; 5 percent if valued above $13 per barrel. Gas (percent of market value): 3 percent if valued at $1.50 or less per MCF; 5 percent if valued above $1.51 per MCF and 4 percent of value for natural gas liquids.
Taxes not imposed on oil and gas stockpiled for over two years, stripper wells and the first six months of production for development wells. Enhanced recovery projects receive a 50 percent tax reduction.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues earmarked (via formula) to: Uintah Basin Revitalization Fund for revenues produced from oil or gas on Ute land. Navajo Revitalization Fund for revenues produced from Navajo Nation land. After earmarks: Revenues deposited to the general fund; revenues exceeding $27,600,000 deposited in state permanent trust.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Conservation Fee
Tax Description: $0.002 of the value of gas or oil.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues credited to the Oil and Gas Conservation Account of the General Fund. Used for plugging or reclaiming abandoned wells, boring holes and mineral/petroleum resources and industry education programs.
Tax Type: City and County License Taxes on Severed Materials
Tax Description: County or city governing bodies authorized to impose: 1 percent gross severance tax gross receipts from the sale of gas and an additional 1 percent tax for local road improvement. Counties and cities can levy additional 1 percent gross tax on gas.
The Counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott, Tazewell and Wise and the City of Norton: one-half of the revenues from this tax to be paid to the Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Fund.
Revenue Allocation: Revenue from additional gas tax deposited to the general fund of producing county or city. Revenues from additional gas and coal tax deposited in the Coal and Gas Road Improvement Fund.
West Virginia
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description: 5 percent of gross value of natural gas or oil
- Natural gas from wells producing less than 5,000MCF per day and oil wells producing less than 0.5 barrels per day. Wells not producing marketable quantities for five consecutive years exempt for up to 10 years.
Revenue Allocation:
- 90 percent of revenue deposited in the general fund.
- First $24 million of the severance taxes collected, including those from coal and other minerals, allocated to debt service for infrastructure bonds.
- 3 percent of the Severance Tax that would be deposited into the General Revenue Fund is dedicated to West Virginia Future Fund.
- 10 percent allocated to counties and municipalities: 75 percent distributed to oil and gas producing counties and 25 percent distributed to all counties and municipalities, based on population densities
Tax Type: Worker’s Compensation Debt Reduction Act Tax
Tax Description: $0.047 per MCF of natural gas.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in the Workers’ Compensation Old Fund. Tax will be terminated when governor declares liability provided for in its entirety.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description: 7 percent of market value of total oil or gas production.
Revenue Allocation: Revenues deposited in state general fund.
Tax Type: Oil and Natural Gas Severance Tax
Tax Description: 6 percent of fair market value for natural gas or oil.
- Oil stripper wells: 4 percent
- Tertiary oil production: 4 percent for first five years
- Renewed production: 1.5 percent for first 60 months
- Workover/recompletion production: 2 percent for first 24 months
- New wells drilled: 2 percent for first 24 months of production up to 60 bpd or 6 MCF/bbl gas equivalent
Revenue Allocation: Revenues from 1.5 percent of tax on fair market value for natural gas and oil, including stripper oil, deposited in the Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund. Remaining revenues collected in Severance Tax Distribution Account to be distributed following a formula.
Tax Type: Oil and Gas Conservation Tax
Tax Description: 0.05 percent
Revenue Allocation: Revenues credited to the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.