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The mission of the Nuclear Energy Tribal Working Group (NETWG) is to engage federally recognized tribal governments and their designated representatives in U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) activities. NETWG will serve as a conduit to foster communication, education of all generations, and promote active involvement of tribal governments. NETWG is dedicated to assisting in developing and maintaining the government-to-government relationship between DOE and Indian Tribes, consistent with DOE’s American Indian Policy.

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NETWG Charter


NETWG shall be comprised of the DOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy or their designated senior leadership representative(s) along with those tribal leaders or designated representatives who may be interested in or impacted by activities under the authority of the Office of Nuclear Energy. Such activities include but are not limited to expanded educational opportunities for all generations; management, storage, disposal, transportation of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste; nuclear research and development; small modular reactors; stakeholder outreach; emergency response and planning activities; and potential economic business opportunities.


NETWG provides a unique forum for its members to share tribal perspectives and discuss matters of mutual interest to Tribes and DOE/NE. NETWG will fulfill its mission through regularly scheduled meetings or communication between tribal representatives and DOE/NE senior leadership and technical staff to identify topics of interest. NETWG will meet at least four times per year unless otherwise specified. NETWG meetings may include a tribal executive session with provisions for tribal representatives to meet separately or include other subject matter experts as appropriate.

Objectives and Scope of Activities and Duties

The Working Group shall exchange information, guidance and recommendations on nuclear energy topic areas, including but not limited to:

  • Expanded educational opportunities and scholarships
  • Small modular reactors or other emerging technologies
  • Transportation planning, emergency response, training, and related funding allocations
  • Management, storage, disposal, transportation of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste
  • Nuclear research and development
  • Cultural resource management
  • Stakeholder outreach
  • Economic business opportunities
  • Other related topics under the authority of DOE-NE that may arise


Nuclear Energy Tribal Working Group Members

The following tribes are active members of NETWG: 

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