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Related Topic: Elections

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Topic Descriptions

Absentee Voting - Delivering Ballots

Includes legislation relating to the distribution and delivery mechanisms of absentee/mail ballots.

Absentee Voting - Eligibility and No-Excuse Absentee Voting

Includes legislation regarding the eligibility to vote absentee/by mail, including whether an excuse is required.

Absentee Voting - Ballot Processing, Signature Verification, Ballot Curing

Includes legislation relating to the processing of absentee/mail ballots, including signature verification and ballot curing.

Absentee Voting - Application and Request for

Includes legislation relating to applications to receive an absentee/mail ballot or to vote absentee, including requesting an absentee/mail ballot electronically and if voters can remain on a permanent absentee list.

Absentee Voting - Returning Ballots

Includes legislation relating to the return of absentee/mail ballots, such as the date they must be received by election officials, whether postage is paid and ballot drop boxes.

All Mail Voting

Includes legislation relating to mostly-mail voting, all-mail ballot voting or sending mail ballots to all active voters. Note that this does not include traditional absentee voting or in-person absentee voting. See absentee voting categories above.

Alternative Voting Methods (Ranked Choice, etc.)

Includes legislation relating to alternative voting methods such as ranked-choice voting, instant-runoff voting, runoff elections, approval voting and other non-traditional voting methods.

Ballots - Required Number, Format & Design

Includes legislation on the number of ballots required to be printed and their design and format as well as sample ballots and straight ticket voting.

Ballot Access for Candidates

Includes legislation on candidates’ ballot access including nomination petitions, fees and paperwork requirements.

Candidates - Qualification and Running for Office, Candidate Withdrawal

Includes legislation relating to candidate qualifications for office such as residency, age, criminal history and more. Includes legislation on whether a candidate must resign from a currently held office to run for another office. Includes legislation relating to how a party may (or may not) field a candidate in the event the original candidate withdraws or dies before Election Day. Includes procedures for write in candidates.

Challenges to Voters

Includes legislation regarding challenges to voter eligibility.

Costs of and Funding for Elections

Includes legislation relating to election costs and funding, including what level of government (federal, state or local) pay for what expenses, and prohibitions on some funding sources.

Counting Votes and Canvassing Procedures

Includes legislation regarding counting processes including hand counting or machine counting, ballot duplication processes and determining voter intent.


Includes legislation relating to cybersecurity for election-related systems, including IT infrastructure, security and authentication mechanisms.

Dates of Elections and Election Holidays

Includes legislation regarding dates of elections, such as measures to standardize when state and local elections can be held, and holidays or time off for elections. For primary dates see Primary Elections-Dates.

Early Voting/In-Person Absentee

Includes legislation relating to early in-person voting and in-person absentee voting.

Electoral College

Includes legislation regarding presidential electors and the electoral college, including the National Popular Vote Compact.

Election Contests (Court Challenges)

Includes legislation relating to election contests, the act of disputing the conduct or results of an election in court.

Election Crimes

Includes legislation regarding election crimes including voter crimes, election official crimes and crimes against election officials.

Electioneering and Campaigning 

Includes legislation relating to electioneering (campaigning at or near polling places) and campaigning in general including the use of artificial intelligence in campaigning. For legislation relating to campaign finance, please see our campaign finance legislation database.

Election Data and Records - Collection/Retention of

Includes legislation relating to election data and records collection and retention.

Election Officials - Local

Includes legislation regarding local election officials, including their duties, compensation and how they are selected.

Election Officials - Statewide

Includes legislation regarding statewide election officials, including their duties, compensation and how they are selected.

Election Reporting, Results and Certification

Includes legislation regarding reporting vote totals and certifying results.

Election Technology-Selection & Standards, Security, Storage and Testing

Includes legislation regarding the selection, testing and standards for voting technology and equipment; includes laws requiring a paper ballot or voter verifiable paper trail, direct recording electronic (DRE) systems and pre-election audits and logic and accuracy tests, electronic poll books, tabulators and other election equipment.


Includes legislation relating to emergencies or natural disasters and elections, such as who has authority to call an emergency, and what actions can be taken in the event of a disaster or emergency.

Internet/Electronic Delivery or Return of Ballots

Includes legislation relating to internet (or electronic) voting and electronic ballot delivery or return, whether for overseas voters, voters with disabilities, first responders or other voters.


Includes election legislation that does not fit into any other category.

Political Parties

Includes legislation regarding political parties, including party ballot access, nominating processes and fusion voting.

Polling Places and Election Offices - Arrangements, Procedures and Security

Includes legislation regarding procedures, requirements and arrangements of polling places, including what is allowable at a polling location. This may include ballot selfies, guns at polling places and giving out food and water in line.

Polling Places and Vote Centers - Hours and Locations

Includes legislation related to polling place hours of operation and polling place locations including vote centers.

Poll Watchers, Challengers, Election Observers

Includes legislation relating to who can serve as poll watchers, challengers or election observers more generally, and limitations and permissions for their work.

Poll Workers

Includes legislation regarding poll worker selection, qualifications, compensation, training and youth poll worker requirements.

Post-Election Audits

Includes legislation relating to post-election audits.


Includes legislation relating to precincts, such as the maximum number of voters in a precinct, and laws relating to drawing precinct boundaries and reporting of precinct boundaries to a state entity.

Primaries - Presidential

Includes legislation relating to dates and processes for presidential primaries.

Primaries - Dates and Runoffs for State Primaries and Misc.

Includes legislation regarding dates of state primary elections, including primary runoffs and other legislation relating to state primaries.

Primaries - Types

Includes legislation relating to primary types such as open or closed primaries.

Provisional Ballots

Includes legislation relating to voting via provisional or affidavit ballots and regulations on how they are verified and counted.

Recall Elections for State Officials

Includes legislation relating to recall elections for state officials. Note: this database does not include the recall of local officials.


Includes legislation relating to election recounts, including mandatory/automatic recount thresholds and who can request a recount.

Registration - Application Form/Content and Eligibility ID Required

Includes legislation regarding voter registration applications, and eligibility to register to vote, including whether an ID is required and other requirements or processes to register to vote.

Registration - Automatic

Includes legislation relating to the automatic registration or updating of voter registration records as a result of qualified citizens interacting with government agencies.

Registration - Deadline

Includes legislation regarding voter registration deadlines.

Registration Drives

Includes legislation relating to voter registration drives, including organized efforts by third-parties or election officials to register qualified voters.

Registration - Election Day or Same Day

Includes legislation regarding Election Day or same-day voter registration by which an eligible citizen can register and vote on the same day (typically during the early voting period).

Registration - List Maintenance

Includes legislation relating to voter registration list maintenance procedures, such as checking voter lists against state and federal data sources and procedures for contacting those on the rolls who have not voted in recent elections.

Registration - Online

Includes legislation relating to online voter registration.

Registration - Preregistration for 16- and 17-year-olds

Includes legislation regarding the preregistration of individuals under 18 years of age who will be eligible voters when they turn 18.

Registration - Sale/Distribution/Use of Lists

Includes legislation relating to access of voter registration lists including use, sale and distribution of lists.

Special Elections

Includes legislation relating to special elections.

Task Forces/Study Commissions/Interim Committees

Includes legislation regarding election-related task forces, study commissions and interim committees.


Includes legislation regarding how vacancies are filled for state and federal offices.

Voters with Disabilities or Limited English

Includes legislation regarding voter assistance for those who have disabilities or limited English proficient voters.

Voter Education/Information

Includes legislation relating to voter information and education, such as voter pamphlets, website standards, newspaper notices and government mailings to voters. 

Voters - Eligibility and Citizenship

Relates to voter qualifications on age, residence and citizenship requirements.

Voters - Incarceration and Restoration of Voting Rights

Includes legislation relating to the restoration of voting rights for former felons and voting from jail.

Voters - Military and Overseas Voters

Includes legislation relating to absentee voting for military and overseas voters, or those that fall under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA).

Voter Identification

Includes legislation on voter identification requirements to vote.

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Related Resources

NCSL Election Resources

The NCSL elections team provides a variety of resources on election issues, including but not limited to 50-state surveys on state laws, legislation databases, a monthly elections newsletter, enactment summaries and other publications.

What Americans Think About Voting | OAS Episode 227

Election expert Charles Stewart III, a professor at MIT, joined the podcast to discuss the results of his Survey of the Performance of American Elections, asking voters in every state and Washington, D.C., about their voting experience. His 2024 report from that survey offers a window into how Americans voted—not who they voted for— and if they were satisfied with their voting experience. 

  • Contact NCSL

  • For more information on this topic, use this form to reach NCSL staff.