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NCSL Election Resources

The NCSL elections team provides a variety of resources on election issues, including but not limited to 50-state surveys on state laws, legislation databases, a monthly elections newsletter, enactment summaries and other publications.

What Americans Think About Voting | OAS Episode 227

Election expert Charles Stewart III, a professor at MIT, joined the podcast to discuss the results of his Survey of the Performance of American Elections, asking voters in every state and Washington, D.C., about their voting experience. His 2024 report from that survey offers a window into how Americans voted—not who they voted for— and if they were satisfied with their voting experience. 


Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked choice voting is a system of voting where people rank candidates in order of preference. Several local and state governments have adopted this system over that last several years.

Legislatures Pursue State-Level Voting Rights Acts

So far in this year’s legislative sessions, three states have introduced state voting rights acts. State VRAs are modeled after the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, which outlaws race-based denial of the right to vote and protects the voting rights of people with disabilities or limited English proficiency.

State Legislatures News
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