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NCSL Election Resources

The NCSL elections team provides a variety of resources on election issues, including but not limited to 50-state surveys on state laws, legislation databases, a monthly elections newsletter, enactment summaries and other publications.

Voters with Disabilities

According to a report from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and Rutgers University, 15.8 million voters with disabilities voted in the 2022 election. Voter participation for people with disabilities is generally lower than for others: turnout for people with disabilities was 4.8% lower than all voters in 2018 and 1.5% lower in 2022.

Statewide Ballot Measures Database

NCSL’s Statewide Ballot Measures Database includes all statewide ballot measures in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, starting over a century ago.

Election Emergencies

Election emergencies can develop from public health crises, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, power outages, active shooter situations, cyberattacks and any number of other events. They can affect one jurisdiction, or a whole state. States cannot prepare for absolutely all circumstances, but they can, and have, taken steps to be prepared.

Election-Related Enactments

NCSL provides an annual roundup and analysis of all enactments relating to elections policy, including voter registration, voter verification, voting technology, primaries, counting and auditing, campaigning, and more. This webpage collates the last several years’ roundups.

Electioneering Prohibitions

Each state has some form of restriction on political activities near polling places on election days. This webpage highlights 10 states that have statutory restrictions on apparel in the polling place.
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