30 ft. of the door
No one other than electors, persons to assist them, the judge of probate, the sheriff or his deputies, precinct election officials, and watchers is permitted within the perimeter.
Ala. Code § 17-9-50
200 ft. of entrance
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
AS § 15.15.170
75 ft. of polling place or entrance to early voting location
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
voter intimidation/interfering with voter
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
A.R.S. § 16-1018
100 ft. of exterior entrance; includes people in line
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
A.C.A. § 7-1-103(8),
100 ft. of polling place, satellite location or election official's office
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
projecting sounds referring to candidates/issues
Cal. Elec. Code § 319.5, 18370
100 ft. of any building where a polling place is located
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
C.R.S. § 1-13-714
75 ft. of the outside entrance to a polling place, or in any corridor passageway or approach leading to a polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-236
District of Columbia
50 ft. from the entrance and exit of a polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Other: "Engage in any activity that interferes with the orderly conduct of the election."
D.C. Code § 1-1001.10 (b) (2)(A)
50 ft. of entrance of building
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues
15 Del. C. § 4942
150 ft. of the entrance to a polling place, early voting site, or office of the supervisor
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
polls/exit polls – Note: there is an exception allowing exit polls
Fla. Stat. § 102.031
150 ft. of the outer edge of the building where a polling place is established, or within 25 ft. of any voter standing in line
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Money or gifts, including food or drink
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
polls/exit polls – Note: exit polls and opinion polls are prohibited within 25 ft. of the exit
Ga. Code § 21-2-414
100 ft. of the entrance or exit of any polling place.
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Guam Code Ann. tit. 3, § 9111, § 9112
200 ft. from the perimeter of any voter service center or any place of deposit; includes the building, its parking lot, and routes of access between them
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
polls/exit polls
H.R.S. § 11-132
250 ft. of a building where an election is being held
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Other: "Engage in any practice which interferes with the freedom of voters to exercise their franchise or disrupts the administration of the polling place."
I.C. § 18-2318
100 ft. of any polling place, or at the option of a church or private school that is a polling place, on any of that property
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
10 ILCS 5/17-29
Within the polls or the chute (this is an area or pathway 50 ft. in length, measured from the entrance to the polls; if the property line is less than 50 ft. from the entrance, the chute extends halfway from the entrance to the property line)
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
I.C. § 3-14-3-16
I.C. § 3-5-2-10
300 ft. of the outside door of the building where the polls are held
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
Iowa Code § 39A.4
250 ft. of the entrance
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
K.S.A. § 25-2430
100 ft. of the entrance to a building where a voting machine is located on election day
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
K.R.S. § 117.235(3)
600 ft. of polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing Voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
La. Stat. Ann. § 18:1462
250 ft. of the entrance
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues – Note: buttons of 3" or less are allowed
21-A M.R.S. § 682
100 ft. from the entrance and exit
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Md. Code, Elec. Law § 16-206(b)
150 ft. of the building entrance door
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 54 § 65
100 ft. from the entrance to a building where a polling place is located
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Displaying election-related material
M.C.L. § 168.931(j)
M.C.L.A. 168.744
100 ft. of the building where a polling place is located
Other: Intoxicating liquor is prohibited
Minn. Stat. § 204C.06
Minn Stat. § 211B.11
150 ft. of any entrance to a building where an election is being held
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Miss. Code § 23-15-895
25 ft. of the building's outer door closest to the polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Polls/exit polls
Mo. Rev. Stat. § 115.637(18)
100 ft. of any entrance to the building where a polling place is located
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Polls/exit polls
Other: Candidates, their family, and their campaign workers/volunteers cannot distribute alcohol, tobacco, food, drink, or anything of value
M.C.A. § 13-35-211
200 ft. of polling place or any building designated for voters to cast ballots
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Projecting sounds referring to candidates/Issues
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1524
100 ft. from the entrance of the building or other structure where a polling place is located
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues
Nev. Rev. Stat. § 293.740
New Hampshire
There are "no-electioneering corridors" that are at least 10 ft. wide and extend from all entrances to the polling place and extend "a reasonable distance along sidewalks or to the parking lots that serve the polling place"
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
N.H. Rev. Stat. § 659:43
New Jersey
100 ft. of the polling place
Voter intimidation/Interfering with voter
Obstructing entrance/hindering Voter
N.J. Rev. Stat. § 19:34-6
N.J Rev. Stat. § 19:34-19
New Mexico
100 ft. of the building where a polling place is located or the door through which voters enter to vote
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
N.M. Stat. § 1-20-16
New York
100 ft. from entrances to a building where the election is being held
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/Placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Other: Providing or purchasing meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or other provision with a retail value of more than $1is prohibited in polling places (see statue for exceptions).
N.Y. Elec. Law § 8-104, 17-140
North Carolina
Dimensions of the buffer zone are set by the county board of elections and must not be less than 25 ft. nor more than 50 ft. from the door of entrance to the voting place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
Other: Includes a broad ban on "election-related activity"
N.C.G.S. § 163-166.4
North Dakota
100 ft. from the entrance to the room containing the polling place
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/Political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
N.D.C.C. § 16.1-10-03, -06, -06.2
Within the area between the polling place and the small U.S. flags placed on the thoroughfares and walkways leading to the polling place, and if the line of electors waiting to vote extends beyond those small flags, within 10 ft. of any elector in line. Flags are placed 100 ft. from the polling place.
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
Ohio Rev. Code § 3501.35 and .30
300 ft. of the entrance to the polling place or line of voters
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Okla. Stat. tit. 26, § 7-108
100 ft. measured radially from any entrance to a building designated for the deposit of ballots
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
O.R.S. § 260.695
10 ft. from the polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
25 Pa. Stat. § 3060
Rhode Island
50 ft. of the entrance of the building where voting is conducted
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
RI ST § 17-19-49
South Carolina
200 ft. of any entrance used by the voters to enter the polling place
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
S.C. Code § 7-25-180
South Dakota
100 ft. from any entrance leading into a polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
S.D.C.L. § 12-18-3
100 ft from the designated entrances to the building where the election is held
Campaign apparel/buttons/stickers/placards
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Other: Certain counties may extend the 100 ft. boundary
Tenn. Code § 2-7-111
100 ft. of an outside door through which a voter may enter a building in which a polling place is located
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues
Tex. Elec. Code § 61.003 and .004
Tex. Elec. Code § 61.010
150 ft. of the building where a polling place is located
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
Other: It is prohibited to "engage in any practice that interferes with the freedom of voters to vote or disrupts the administration of the polling place"
Utah Code § 20A-3a-501
On the walks and driveways leading to a building in which a polling place is located
Voter intimidation/interfering with voter
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
Other: "During polling hours, the presiding officer shall control the placement of signs on the property of the polling place in a fair manner."
17 V.S.A. § 2508
40 ft. of the entrance of a polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Obstructing entrance/hindering voter
Va. Code § 24.2-604
100 ft, from the entrance of a vote center or 25 ft. radially from a ballot drop box
Projecting sounds Referring to candidates/issues
Other: Within a voting center, it is prohibited to suggest or persuade any voter, circulate cards or handbills, solicit petition signatures, engage in any practice which interferes with the freedom of voters to exercise their franchise or disrupts the administration of the voting center, obstruct doors or entries or prevent free access.
R.C.W. § 29A.84.510
West Virginia
100 ft. of the outside entrance to a building housing a polling place
W.V. Code § 3-1-37
100 ft. of an entrance to a building containing a polling place
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Wis. Stat. § 12.03 and .035
100 yards of any public entrance to the building in which a polling place is located
Campaign materials/signs/banners/literature
Influencing voters/soliciting votes/political persuasion
Circulating petitions/soliciting signatures
Polls/exit polls – Note: exit polls conducted by the media are allowed; all other polls are prohibited
Other: Disturbing a polling place consists of creating any disorder or disruption at a polling place or interfering with the orderly conduct of an election
Wyo. Stat. § 22-26-113 and 114