Ala. Code § 17-16-21
Any qualified elector.
Alaska Stat. § 15.20.430
A defeated candidate or 10 qualified voters.
Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 16-662
There is no requested recount process; however, a recount can be ordered by a county superior court or conducted under the automatic recount provision.
Ark. Code § 7-5-319
Any candidate dissatisfied with the returns.
Cal. Elec. Code § 15610, 15620, 15640
- An election official who has reasonable cause to believe ballots in the precinct have been miscounted or who is unable to explain the returns of their precinct.
- Any voter.
- By court order.
Colo. Rev. Stat. § 1-10.5-106
- A losing candidate, the political party or political organization representing such candidate.
- Any petition representative (as defined by 1-40-113) for a losing ballot measure.
- The governing body that referred a losing ballot measure.
- The agent of an issue committee that is required to report contributions and either supported a ballot question or ballot issue that did not pass or opposed a ballot question or ballot issue that passed at the election.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-323
There is no requested recount process; however, any elector or candidate aggrieved by any ruling of any election official may file a contest, which may result in a recount, and there is an automatic recount provisioin.
15 Del. C. § 5702(c)
Any candidate for statewide office in a general election may apply to the court for a recount if the margin is less than 1,000 votes or less than 0.5% of all votes cast for the two candidates, whichever amount is less.
District of Columbia
D.C. Code § 1-1001.11, CDCR 3-810
Within 7 days after the Board certifies the results of an election, a candidate may petition the Board in writing and specify the precincts in which the recount shall be conducted. Also, any voter may petition the District of Columbia Court of Appeals to review the election.
The Board of Elections and Ethics may order a recount by hand when there is evidence of machine malfunction.
There is no requested recount process; however there is an automatic recount provision.
Ga. Code § 21-2-495
- Where paper ballots are used, the superintendent may order a recount, or any candidate or political party may petition for one.
- Where voting machines are used and it appears there is a discrepancy or error, the superintendent shall order a recount, or three voters may petition for one.
- When results are within 0.5% of total votes cast for the office, a losing candidate may request a recount.
There is no requested recount process; however there is an automatic recount provision.
Idaho Code § 34-2301
Any candidate or any person supporting or opposing a ballot measure.
10 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/23-23.2, 10 ILCS 5/22-9.1
A candidate or voter may contest an election by submitting a petition to the court. Any recount will be court-ordered.
Also, candidates or a group of voters may submit a discovery petition. However, the results of the examination and count will not be certified, used to amend or change the abstracts of the votes previously completed, used to deny the successful candidate for the same office his certificate of nomination or election. Such count shall not be binding in an election contest.
Ind. Code Ann. § 3-12-11-2
Candidate or the chairman of a state or county political party.
Iowa Code § 50.48
A candidate whose name was on the ballot of the precinct(s) where the recount is requested or any other person who received votes for that office in the precinct(s) where the recount is requested and who is legally qualified to seek and hold the office in question.
Kan. Stat. § 25-3107
Any candidate. Any registered elector who cast a ballot in a constitutional amendment election.
Ky. Rev. Stat. § 120.185
Any candidate who was voted for in the election.
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 18:1313
Candidate for the office to be recounted.
21-A M.R.S. § 737-A
A candidate who is the apparent loser.
Md. Code, Elec. Law § 12-101
A candidate for public or party office who has been defeated based on the certified results of any election.
Mass. Ann. Laws ch. 54, § 135
- Statewide recount: by a petition signed by at least 1,000 voters.
- District recount: by a petition signed by one-fourth the number of voters required to sign nomination papers for state primary candidates in the appropriate district.
MCLS § 168.879, MCLS § 168.866
- A candidate for an office canvassed by the state board of canvassers or a candidate for representative in Congress or state representative or senator of a district located wholly in one county; candidate must allege that the candidate is aggrieved on account of fraud or mistake in the canvass of the votes by the inspectors of election or the returns made by the inspectors of election, or by a board of county canvassers or the board of state canvassers.
- Chairperson of a state political party may petition on behalf of a candidate when a state Senate race has a differential of 500 votes or less, or a state representative race has a differential of 200 votes or less.
- A candidate for office who believes he or she is aggrieved on account of fraud or mistake in the canvass or returns of the votes by the election inspectors may petition for a recount of the votes cast for that office in any precinct or precincts.
Minn. Stat. Ann. § 204C.35
A losing candidate whose name was on the ballot.
There is no recount process; an aggrieved person can seek remedy in court.
Mo. Rev. Stat. § 115.601
Any contestant in a primary or other election contest who was defeated by less than 1% of the votes cast for the office and any person whose position on a question was defeated by less than 1% of the votes cast on the question.
Mont. Code § 13-16-201
A candidate who is defeated by a margin not exceeding 0.25% of the total votes cast or by a margin not exceeding 10 votes, whichever is greater.
100 electors of the state, representing at least five counties of the state, may petition for a recount of a ballot question that is decided by a margin not exceeding 0.25% of the total votes cast for and against the question.
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1121
A losing candidate.
Nev. Rev. Stat. § 293.407
A candidate at any election, or any registered voter of the appropriate political subdivision.
New Hampshire
N.H. Rev. Stat. § 660:1, 660:17-a
Any candidate, provided the difference between the votes cast for the applying candidate and a candidate declared elected is less than 20% of the total votes cast in the towns which comprise the office to be recounted. A recount must also be allowed if any race on a ballot that is already undergoing a state representative recount shows a discrepancy of over 1% from the results previously reported to the secretary of state.
New Jersey
N.J. Stat. § 19:28-1
Any candidate or 10 voters.
New Mexico
N.M. Stat. § 1-14-14
Any candidate.
New York
There is no requested recount process; however, there is an automatic recount provision.
North Carolina
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-182.7
For non-statewide races: Any candidate, if the difference between the votes for that candidate and the votes for a prevailing candidate is not more than 1% of the total votes cast in the ballot item, or in the case of a multiseat ballot item not more than 1% of the votes cast for those two candidates. For statewide races, margin must be 0.5% of the votes cast in the ballot item, or 10,000 votes, whichever is less.
North Dakota
N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-16-01
Any individual who failed to be elected in a general or special election by more than 0.5% and less than 2% of the highest vote cast for a candidate for that office.
Ohio Rev. Code § 3515.01
- Any candidate.
- Any group of five or more qualified electors may file with the board of a county a written application for a recount of the votes cast at an election in any precinct in such county upon any question or issue.
26 Okl. St. § 8-109
- Any candidate whose name appeared on the ballot.
Or. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 258.161
- A candidate or an officer of a political party on behalf of a candidate of the political party may file a demand that a recount in specified precincts in which votes were cast for the nomination or office for which the candidate received a vote.
- An elector may file a demand for a recount in specified precincts in which votes were cast on any measure which appeared on the ballot.
- A county clerk may file a demand for a recount in specified precincts in which votes were cast for the nomination or office for which a candidate received a vote or on any measure that appeared on the ballot.
25 Pa. Stat. § 3261
Any three qualified electors.
Rhode Island
R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-19-36
Any candidate.
South Carolina
There is no requested recount process; however there is an automatic recount provision.
South Dakota
S.D. Codified Laws §§ 12-21-8, 12-21-10, 12-21-11, 12-21-12, 12-21-14, 12-21-15
- Any three registered voters of a precinct may request a recount of specified candidates or measures.
- A candidate for an office voted upon in only one county, or any legislative candidate, if the candidate is defeated by a margin of not more than 2% of the total votes cast for all candidates for that office.
- Any candidate for an office other than the Legislature is voted upon in more than one county, and has been defeated by a margin of 0.25% or less of the total vote cast for all candidates for such office.
- At least 1,000 voters representing at least five counties of the state may petition for a recount on a state measure if the margin is 0.25% or less.
- The chairman of the central committee of a state political party or any two or more candidates for presidential elector may file for a recount when the margin does not exceed 0.25%.
Tenn. Code § 2-17-117
A recount may only be ordered by a court, a legislative body, or “a tribunal having jurisdiction of an election contest.”
Tex. Elec. Code §§ 212.022, 212.023
Candidates, if the difference between the votes received by the candidate and the candidate elected is less than 10% of the votes cast for that candidate, if the candidate is tied or eligible for a runoff, if the secretary of state certifies that errors occurred, or if the total number of votes received by all candidates for the office is less than 1,000.
Utah Code § 20A-4-401
- A losing candidate, if the difference between the number of votes cast for a winning candidate in the race and a losing candidate in the race is equal to or less than .25% of the total number of votes cast for all candidates in the race.
- A losing candidate, if total of all votes cast in the race is 400 or less, and the difference between the number of votes cast for a winning candidate in the race and a losing candidate in the race is one vote.
17 V.S.A. § 2601
The losing candidate in an election for federal office, statewide office, county office or state senator, if the difference between the votes cast for the winning and losing candidate is 2% or less of the total votes cast for all candidates for the office, divided by the number of persons to be elected.
The losing candidate in an election for state representative, if the difference between the votes cast for the winning and losing candidate is 5% or less of the total votes cast for all candidates for the office, divided by the number of persons to be elected.
Va. Code § 24.2-800
- Any candidate defeated by a difference of not more than 1% of the total vote cast for the two such candidates.
- 50 or more voters qualified to vote on a ballot question, if a difference of not more than 50 votes or 1% of the total vote cast for and against the question, whichever is greater.
Wash. Rev. Code § 29A.64.011
- An officer of a political party or any person for whom votes were cast in a primary who did not qualify for the general.
- An officer of a political party or any person for whom votes were cast at any election.
- Any group of five or more registered voters may file a written application for a recount of the votes or a portion of the votes cast upon any question or issue.
West Virginia
W. Va. Code § 3-6-9
Wis. Stat. Ann. § 9.01
Any candidate voted for at any election who is an aggrieved party or any elector who voted upon any referendum question at any election.
Wyo. Stat. Ann. §§ 22-16-110, 22-16-109
- Candidates.
- County canvassing board may conduct a recount if irregularities are apparent.