Generally: County officials meet at noon on the second Friday after the election and make a correct statement of the returns of the votes (Ala. Code § 17-12-15).
Presidential electors: In all elections for electors for president and vice president, the canvassing board of each county must, within five days after making the statement of the county vote by precincts, return the result of the same to the secretary of state (Ala. Code § 17-14-33).
State officers: Certificates must be forwarded to governor for the speaker of the House at least 10 days before the next meeting of the legislature; certified by House of Representatives (Ala. Code § 17-12-19).
Presidential electors: within 15 days of the time for making returns (Ala. Code § 17-14-34).
Members of the legislature and Congress: Within 10 days of receiving the returns of election from the judge of probate of each county, furnish certificates of election to members of the Legislature and to members of Congress (Ala. Code § 17-12-21).
When the count of ballots is completed and in no event later than the day after the election (Alaska Stat. § 15.15.370).
Upon completion of the state ballot counting review (Alaska Stat. § 15.15.450).
The governing body holding an election shall meet and canvass the election not later than the third Thursday after the general election. (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 16-642) The certified permanent copy of the official canvass for all offices and ballot measures, except offices and ballot measures in a city or town election and nonpartisan election returns, shall be mailed immediately to the secretary of state who shall maintain and preserve it as a permanent public record (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 16-646(B)).
The secretary of state shall canvass not later than the third Monday after the election (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 16-642). According to the 2023 Elections Procedures Manual, following the completion of the statewide canvass or recount process the secretary of state must "promptly" issue a certificate of election to each legislative, statewide and federal candidate who received the highest number of votes for each office at the election (p.257).
Presidential electors: Within eight days after the election, county clerks must transmit the abstract of the vote to the governor and secretary of state (Ark. Stat. Ann. § 7-8-304(a)).
Other offices: No later than the 15th calendar day after the election, the county board of election commissioners shall proceed to ascertain, declare, and certify the result of the election to the secretary of state (Ark. Stat. Ann. § 7-5-701).
Presidential electors: Results must be canvassed within 20 days of election. Ark. Stat. Ann. §7-8-304(b)); the governor must certify results within five days of canvass (Ark. Stat. Ann. § 7-8-305).
Members of Congress: Secretary of state has 30 days after receipt of results from counties to cast up and arrange the votes; governor must immediately thereafter grant certificates to the people elected (Ark. Stat. Ann. § 7-5-703).
Constitutional officers: Results are certified by the General Assembly during the first week of session (Ark. Stat. Ann. § 7-5-705).
The elections official shall prepare a certified statement of the results of the election and submit it to the governing body within 30 days of the election (Cal. Elec. Code § 15372).
Presidential electors: No later than the 32nd day following election, the secretary of state analyzes votes and certifies results to governor; secretary of state issues certificate of election (Cal. Elec. Code § 15505).
All other offices: On the 38th day after the election or before if all returns are received, secretary of state determines the votes cast, certifies results, and transmits certificates of election (Cal. Elec. Code § 15503, § 15504).
Immediately after the official abstract of votes cast has been certified and no later than the 22nd day after any general or primary election or any coordinated election that includes a statewide ballot measure, the county clerk and recorder shall transmit to the secretary of state the portion of the abstract of votes cast that contains the statewide abstract of votes cast (Colo. Rev. Stat. § 1-10-103).
No later than the 27th day after the election, the secretary of state shall compile and total the returns, determine if a recount is necessary, and order the appropriate recounts, if any (Colo. Rev. Stat. § 1-10-103(2)).
Presidential electors: The secretary of state prepares a certificate of election for each presidential elector; the governor signs and affixes the seal of the state to the certificates and delivers one certificate to each elector on or before the day of the electors' meeting on the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December (Colo. Rev. Stat. § 1-11-107).
48 hours after the polls close (Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-314).
Presidential electors and members of Congress: Votes are counted on the last Wednesday of November; results are declared and winners are notified the same day (Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-315).
State officers: Certified by the General Assembly on the first day of session (Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-318).
State senators and representatives: Canvassed and results declared during the month that votes are cast; secretary of state gives notice to persons elected within three days of the declaration of who is elected (Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-319).
10 a.m. on the second day after the election (Del. Code Ann. tit. 15, § 5701, Del. Const. Art. V, § 6).
Presidential electors, senators and representatives in Congress: The governor shall, without delay after receiving the results from each county, examine the returns and declare the persons elected (Del. Code Ann. tit. 15, § 5710, § 5711, § 5712, § 5713).
County canvassing board must file returns with the Department of State by noon on the 13th day after the election (Fla. Stat. § 102.112(2)).
The Election Canvassing Commission shall meet at 8 a.m. on the 14th day after an election to certify the returns of the election for each federal, state, and multicounty office (Fla. Stat. § 102.111(b)).
The county elections superintendent certifies the consolidated returns not later than 5 p.m. on the Monday following the election and are immediately transmitted to the secretary of state. Date may be extended if necessary to complete a precertification audit (Ga. Code § 21-2-493(k)).
Presidential electors: Not later than 5 p.m. on the 17th day following the election, the secretary of state shall certify the votes cast and shall immediately lay the returns for presidential electors before the governor. The governor shall enumerate and ascertain the number of votes for each person and shall certify the slates of presidential electors receiving the highest number of votes. The governor shall certify the slates of presidential electors no later than 5 p.m. on the 18th day following the election. Notwithstanding the deadlines specified in this code section, such times may be altered for just cause by an order of a judge of superior court of this state (Ga. Code § 21-2-499(b)).
State offices and members of Congress: Immediately upon receiving the certified returns from county superintendents, the secretary of state shall immediately proceed to tabulate, compute, and canvass the votes cast for all candidates. Not later than 5 p.m. on the 17th day following the election, the secretary of state shall certify the votes cast (Ga. Code § 21-2-499(b)).
On receipt of certified tabulations from the election officials concerned, the chief election officer for a state election, or county clerk in a county election, shall compile, certify, and release the election results after the expiration of the time for bringing an election contest. (Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 11-155) The deadline for bringing a contest is not later than 4:30 p.m. on the 20th day following a general election (Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 11-174.5).
Presidential electors: Not later than 4:30 p.m. on the last day in the month of the election, or as soon as the returns have been received from all counties in the state, if received before that time (Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 14-24).
All other offices: Results are certified after the expiration of the time for bringing a contest, or if there is a contest, after a final determination has been made and the time for an appeal has passed (Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 11-156).
The county board of canvassers shall meet within 10 days after a general election for the purpose of canvassing the election returns of all precincts within the county. (Idaho Code § 34-1205) After the canvass, the county clerk shall forward to the secretary of state the completed and signed canvass report for all candidates for federal, state or district offices. (Idaho Code § 34-1207).
The state board of canvassers shall meet within 21 days after the general election in the office of the secretary of state for the purpose of canvassing the abstracts of votes cast for all candidates for federal, state and district offices (Idaho Code § 34-1211). Immediately after the general election canvass, the secretary of state shall issue certificates of election to the federal, state and district candidates who received the highest number of votes (Idaho Code § 34-1215).
Presidential electors: Certificates must be delivered on or before the second Wednesday in December (Idaho Code § 34-1501).
Presidential electors: County clerks must certify results to the State Board of Elections within 21 days of the election (Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 10, § 5/21-2).
County offices: Counties deliver certificates of election as part of the canvass process, which must conclude within 21 days of the election (Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 10, § 5/22-1; Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 10, § 5/22-2).
Presidential electors: The governor certifies the results within five days after completion of the state canvass (Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 10, § 5/21-3).
Other offices: The State Board of Elections, shall proceed within 31 days after the election, and sooner if all the returns are received, to canvass the votes (Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 10, § 5/22-7).
Not later than noon on the second Monday following an election, each circuit court clerk shall prepare a certified statement under the clerk's seal of the number of votes received by each candidate and transmit the statement to the elections division (Ind. Code § 3-12-5-6).
Governor and lieutenant governor: Each circuit court clerk no later than noon on the second Monday following an election (Const. Art. V, §9; Ind. Code § 3-12-5-5).
Legislative offices: Effectively the second Monday after the election, because Organization Day for the General Assembly is the following day (Ind. Code § 3-12-5-11).
Presidential electors and other state offices: Governor prepares candidate commissions by noon on first Tuesday in December and transmits to Elections Division; Elections Division delivers to candidates no later than second Tuesday in December (Ind. Code § 3-12-5-8).
The commissioner shall, within 13 days after the election, forward to the state commissioner one of the duplicate abstracts of votes for each office (Iowa Code § 50.30).
Not later than 27 days after the day of the election, the secretary of state shall present to the board of state canvassers abstracts of votes and a summary of the results. The state board of canvassers shall review the results compiled by the secretary of state and, if the results are accurately tabulated, the state board shall approve the canvass (Iowa Code § 50.38).
If the secretary of state fails to receive the final abstract of the intermediate canvass of any state or national election by the second Tuesday after the election, the secretary shall dispatch a messenger to obtain a copy. In the event of a recount, county shall notify secretary of the date of the recount and the date when the intermediate abstract will be delivered (Kan. Stat. Ann. § 25-3203).
State Board of Canvassers meets no later than Dec. 1. They may recess from time to time until the canvass is completed. The State Board of Canvassers shall certify a statement which shall show the names of the persons receiving votes for any of the offices, and the whole number received by each, distinguishing the districts and counties in which they were voted (Kan. Stat. Ann. § 25-3206).
Counties must certify results to the State Board of Elections no later than noon on the Friday following the election. (Ky. Rev. Stat. § 118.425(4)) May be delayed in the event of a recount or recanvass (Ky. Rev. Stat. § 117.305).
State Board of Elections meets no later than the third Monday after the election to canvass the results. The board shall make out the certificates of election in the office of the board from the returns made (Ky. Rev. Stat. § 118.425(5)).
Election returns must be filed with the clerk of the court no later than 4 p.m. on the fifth day after the election. Clerk of the court must transmit results to secretary of state by noon on the sixth day (La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 18:574).
Within 30 days after the date on which a general election is scheduled to be held, the secretary of state shall certify the name of each candidate elected for a full term to the appropriate official (La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 18:513).
The clerk shall file an attested copy of the election return with the secretary of state within two business days after an election day (Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 21A, § 711).
Within 20 days after an election, the secretary of state shall tabulate the election returns and submit a certified copy of the tabulation to the governor (Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 21A §722).
Certified results are transmitted to state on the second Friday after the election or, if the canvass is completed after that date, within 48 hours after completion of the canvass (Md. Elec Code Ann. § 11-401(c)).
Board of State Canvassers convenes within 35 days of an election, may adjourn for not more than one day, and prepares and transmits a certified statement of election results to the State Board of Elections (Md. Elec Code Ann. § 11-503). State Board of Elections and governor issue certificates to candidates elected.
Within 15 days after the election, town and city clerks transmit to the state secretary certified copies of the votes cast (Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 54, § 112).
Presidential electors: Within 10 days of when the records of votes are transmitted to the secretary of state, they are examined by the governor and council, who declare by proclamation the names of those elected. If no contest has been filed, the governor issues certificates of election 14 days after the proclamation (Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 54, § 118).
Members of Congress, state officers, state legislators: Not before 5 p.m. on the 15th day following an election, the governor certifies results. Certification is delayed in the event of a recount (Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 54, § 116).
The county board of canvassers meet no later than 9 a.m. the Thursday after an election (Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.821).
If unofficial returns show presidential results are within 25,000 votes: Secretary of state may order an expedited certification for presidential electors, due on a date specified by the board between the seventh and 13th days after the election. Statements of votes by county boards must be completed within 24 hours after the canvass (Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.842(2), § 168.828).
If presidential results are not within 25,000 votes: Canvass must be completed not later than the 14th day after the election (Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.822); results must be certified to state within 24 hours of completion (Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.828).
The board of state canvassers shall complete the canvass and announce the board's determination no later than the 20th day after the election. The secretary of the board of state canvassers shall appoint the day of the meeting, which must be as soon as practicable after the receipt of the returns from the boards of county canvassers. It is the ministerial, clerical, and nondiscretionary duty of the board of state canvassers, and each of the members of the board of state canvassers, to certify election results based solely on the certified statements of votes from counties (Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.842).
Certified copy of results delivered to secretary of state by the 10th day after the election (Minn. Stat. § 204C.37).
Presidential electors: At its meeting on the third Tuesday after the election, the State Canvassing Board shall open and canvass the returns made to the secretary of state for presidential electors and alternates, prepare a statement of the number of votes cast for the persons receiving votes for these offices, and declare the person or persons receiving the highest number of votes for each office duly elected (Minn. Stat. § 208.05).
State officers: The election commissioners shall, within 10 days after the general election and within ten (10) days after a runoff election, transmit to the Secretary of State, to be filed in his or her office, a statement of the whole number of votes given in their county and the whole number of votes given in each precinct in their county, for each candidate for any office at the election (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-603).
All other offices: Election commissioners must transmit returns to the secretary of state within 10 days after the general election (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-603).
State officers: Canvassed by state legislature
All other offices: The secretary of state, immediately after receiving the returns of an election, not longer than 30 days after the election, shall sum up the whole number of votes given for each candidate and ascertain the person or persons having the largest number of votes for each office, and declare such person or persons to be duly elected (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-605).
Presidential electors: Judges of election must make returns to county clerks within two days of the election; within eight days of receiving them, clerks must certify and transmit returns to the Governor (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 128.060).
All other offices: Not later than the second Tuesday after the election, the election authority shall deliver to the secretary of state an abstract of votes (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 115.507(4)). May be delayed not more than 30 days if circumstances clearly justify the delay (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 115.509).
Presidential electors: The governor, on receipt of the certificates from the counties which he received within 15 days after the election, shall immediately add up the vote from the counties and declare duly elected the person in each district receiving the highest number of votes (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 128.070).
All other offices: Not later than the second Tuesday in December, the board of canvassers shall issue a statement of results (Mo. Rev. Stat. § 115.511).
Canvassing board meets within 14 days after the election (Mont. Code Ann. §13-15-401); may be postponed if not all returns are received (Mont. Code Ann. §13-15-402).
Within 27 days after the election, or sooner if the returns are all received, the state auditor, superintendent of public instruction, and attorney general shall meet as a board of state canvassers in the office of the secretary of state and determine the vote (Mont. Code Ann. §13-15-502).
Immediately after completion of canvass, county shall deliver an abstract to the secretary of state (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1034). If the secretary of state has not received the abstract of votes by the third Monday after the election, secretary may send a messenger to retrieve it (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1035). Precinct results for president, vice president, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, legislature, Public Service Commission and constitutional officers due in the office of the secretary of state eight weeks after the election (Neb. Rev. Stat. §32-1036). Precinct results for president, vice president, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, legislature, Public Service Commission and constitutional officers due in the office of the secretary of state eight weeks after the election (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1036).
Board of state canvassers meets on the fourth Monday after the election. Board may adjourn from day to day until all returns are received and all votes are tabulated. Deadline for completion not specified (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1037). Certificates of election must be prepared and delivered within 40 days of the election (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1040).
Offices of executive departments: Canvassed by the legislature at its next regular session (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 32-1039).
The canvass must be transmitted to the secretary of state on or before the 10th day following the election (Nev. Rev. Stat. § 293.387).
On the fourth Tuesday of Nov. after each general election, the justices of the Supreme Court, or a majority thereof, shall meet with the secretary of state, and shall open and canvass the vote. Following the completion of the statewide canvass, the governor shall issue certificates of election to all statewide offices (Nev. Rev. Stat. § 293.395).
New Hampshire
No later than 8 a.m. on the day after the election (N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 659:75).
When the time for a recount or appeal has expired or when all candidates have in writing waived the right to a recount or appeal (N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 659:84). The deadline for requesting a recount is the Friday following the election (N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 660:1).
New Jersey
The county clerks' transmittal of the official November general election results to the secretary of state must occur three days after the meeting of the board (N.J. Rev. Stat. § 19:19-13).
The meeting of the State Board of Canvassers shall occur no later than 30 days after an election (N.J. Rev. Stat. § 19:21-1).
New Mexico
The county canvassing board shall meet to approve the report of the canvass of the returns and declare the results no sooner than six days and no later than 10 days from the date of the election. A county canvassing board in a county with more than 150,000 voters shall meet to approve the report of the canvass of the returns and declare the results no sooner than six days and no later than 13 days from the date of the election (N.M. Stat. Ann. § 1-13-13).
State canvassing board declares result of election for certain offices on the third Tuesday after the election (N.M. Stat. Ann. § 1-13-15).
Certificates of election for all candidates must be issued upon approval of the state canvassing board, but no earlier than the 31st day after the election (N.M. Stat. Ann. § 1-13-16(B)).
New York
The board of elections shall transmit by mail or cause to be delivered personally to the state board of elections a certified copy of the statement of the canvassing board within 25 days after the election (N.Y. Election Law § 9-214).
Election years with presidential electors: The State Board of Canvassers shall meet on or before the first Monday after the first Wednesday after the election to canvass statements from the counties. The board may adjourn from day to day, not exceeding five days (N.Y. Election Law § 9-216).
Election years without presidential electors: The state board of canvassers shall meet on or before the 15th day after each general election. (N.Y. Election Law § 9-216).
North Carolina
11 a.m. on the 10th day after the election; county board may hold canvassing meeting a reasonable time thereafter if initial counting has not been completed (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-182.5(b)).
The State Board of Elections must meet not more than 10 days after the Tuesday that is three weeks after election day (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-182.5(c)). Certificates must be issued six days after completion of the canvass unless there is a protest pending. If there is a protest, the certificate shall be issued 10 days after the final decision of the state board on the protest (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-182.15).
North Dakota
Before 4 p.m. on the 13th day following the election (N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-15-25).
State Canvassing Board meets no later than 17 days after the election. (N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-15-35) The board may adjourn from day to day, not exceeding three days in all (N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-15-38).
Presidential electors: Within 10 days after the state canvassing board completes the canvass of the votes cast for presidential electors, the governor shall declare by proclamation the names of the persons who have received the highest number of votes returned for such office. If the election of such persons has not been contested by notice of contest having been filed with the governor within 10 days after the date of such proclamation, then such persons must be deemed elected, and the governor shall transmit to each person so chosen a certificate of election (N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-14-03).
The board shall complete the canvass not later than the 21st day after the day of the election. Eighty-one days after the day of the election, the canvass of election returns shall be deemed final, and no amendments to the canvass may be made after that date. The secretary of state may specify an earlier date upon which the canvass of election returns shall be deemed final (Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 3505.32).
State executive offices: During the first week of the session after a regular election, the General Assembly canvasses the votes, declares the results, and certifies them to the secretary of state (Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 3505.34).
Federal offices and state offices other than executive: Not later than 10 days after the abstracts have been received from all counties, the secretary of state canvasses (Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 3505.35).
Presidential electors: The secretary of state shall immediately upon the completion of the canvass of election returns mail to each presidential elector so elected a certificate of his election…" (Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 3505.39).
After 5 p.m. on the Friday following the election (Okla. Stat. tit. 26, § 7-136).
After 5 p.m. on the Tuesday next succeeding the election (Okla. Stat. tit. 26, § 7-136).
No later than the 27th day after the election (Or. Rev. Stat. § 254.545(3)).
Not later than the 30th day after the election, the secretary of state must canvass the votes, prepare and deliver certificates of election, and issue a proclamation declaring the election of candidates to offices (Or. Rev. Stat. § 254.555).
Unofficial returns submitted to secretary of state by 5 p.m. on the Tuesday after the election. If after five days no petition for a recount or recanvass has been filed, or upon completion of any recount or recanvass that is timely filed, the county board shall certify the results (Pa. Stat. tit. 25 § 3154(f)).
Upon receiving the certified returns of any primary or election from the various county boards, the secretary of the commonwealth shall forthwith proceed to tabulate, compute and canvass the votes cast for all candidates. No completion deadline is specified (Pa. Stat. tit. 25 § 3159).
Rhode Island
The local board shall meet on the day following the election and shall tabulate the election returns and announce the results but shall issue no certificates of election until the time for filing petitions for recounts. (seven days after the election) has expired and, if a petition has been filed, until the petition has been finally determined (R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-19-36).
The state board shall, immediately after completing the counting, canvass, and tabulating of the votes cast for general officers and senators and representatives in the general assembly and declaring the result, furnish the governor a certificate of the names of the persons who have been elected general officers for the ensuing year, and shall also furnish to the secretary of state a certificate of the names of the persons elected as senators and representatives in the General Assembly (R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-22-6).
No deadline specified. The state board commences the tabulating and certification process at 8 p.m. on election day with mail ballots and within 24 hours of any other election with no mail ballots, and shall continue and complete the tabulation "with all reasonable expedition" (R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-22-1).
South Carolina
County boards of canvassers must transmit statements of the vote to the State Board of Canvassers no later than noon on the Saturday after the election (S.C. Code Ann. § 7-17-20).
Board of State Canvassers convenes within 10 days of the election (S.C. Code Ann. § 7-17-220). The board may adjourn from day to day for a term not exceeding 15 days (S.C. Code Ann. § 7-17-230).
Presidential electors: If all the certified statements have not been received on the day set for the meeting of the board, the board may adjourn from day to day until the statements have been received, not exceeding five days; and if at the expiration of four days certified copies of the statements of county canvassers shall not have been received from any county, the board shall proceed to canvass upon such of the statements as shall have been received (S.C. Code Ann. § 7-17-230).
South Dakota
Counties must complete canvass within six calendar days after the election. (S.D. Codified Laws § 12-20-36). Counties must transmit to secretary of state immediately (S.D. Codified Laws § 12-20-38.1).
The Board of State Canvassers must convene within seven days after the election. The board may adjourn for up to 10 days for the purpose of obtaining returns from each county (S.D. Codified Laws §12-20-47). The board reconvenes after any recount to recanvass the election with the certificates corrected by the recount (S.D. Codified Laws § 12-21-39).
County election commissions must certify results no later than the third Monday after the election (Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-8-101).
The governor, secretary of state and attorney general shall meet as soon as the returns are received to calculate and compare election results to declare the elected candidates (Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-8-110(a)).
The last day for local canvassing authority to meet is the 14th day after the election (Tex. Elec. Code Ann. §67.003). The county returns be delivered to the secretary of state within 24 hours of completion (Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 67.007).
For the offices of governor and lieutenant governor: results are canvassed by the legislature during the first week of the session (Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 67.011 and Tex. Const. Art. IV, § 3).
All other offices: The governor shall conduct the canvass at a time set by the secretary of state not earlier than the 18th or later than the 33rd day after the election (Tex. Elec. Code Ann. §67.012).
Board of county canvassers meets at a time no sooner than seven days and no later than 14 days after the election (Utah Code Ann. § 20A-4-301(1)(b)). If the lieutenant governor has not received results from a county on the fifth day before the state canvassing board meets, a messenger may be dispatched to demand a certified copy (Utah Code Ann. § 20A-4-306(3)).
The state board of canvassers convenes at noon on the fourth Monday of November (Utah Code Ann. § 20A-4-306(1)). No deadline for completion is specified.
Within 48 hours of the close of the polls, the town clerk shall deliver to the secretary of state, the senatorial district clerk, the county clerk and the representative district clerk one certified copy each of the return (Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 17, § 2588(6)(C)).
The canvassing committees shall meet at 10 a.m. one week after the day of the election. They may recess from time to time until they complete their work (Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 17, § 2592(g)).
Each local electoral board meets at or before 5 p.m. the day after the election and may adjourn as needed, not to exceed 10 calendar days from the date of the election. (Va. Code § 24.2-671). The abstracts shall be certified and signed by the local electoral board, attested by the secretary, and retained by the electoral board as part of its records. A copy of each, certified under the official seal of the electoral board, shall immediately be mailed or delivered by hand to the State Board (Va. Code § 24.2-675).
The State Board meets on the first Monday in December. If a majority is not present or if, for any other reason, the board is unable to ascertain the results on that day, the meeting shall stand adjourned from day to day for not more than three days until a quorum is present and the board has ascertained the results as provided in this section (Va. Code § 24.2-679).
Twenty-one days after a general election, the county canvassing board shall complete the canvass and certify the results (Wash. Rev. Code § 29A.60.190). The cumulative report of the election and a copy of the certificate of the election must be transmitted to the secretary of state immediately (Wash. Rev. Code § 29A.60.230).
As soon as the returns have been received from all the counties of the state, but not later than the 30th day after the election, the secretary of state shall canvass and certify the returns of the general election (Wash. Rev. Code § 29A.60.250).
West Virginia
County boards of canvassers meet on the fifth day after the election, excluding Sundays. They may adjourn "no longer than absolutely necessary." After canvassing the returns, the board publicly declares the results. There is a period of 48 hours. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) after the declaration before results are certified (W. Va. Code § 3-6-9(A)). Certificates must be transmitted to the secretary of state and governor within 30 days of the election, or if there is a recount, within 30 days of the completion of the recount. (W. Va. Code § 3-6-11)
For offices of state legislators: the secretary of state transmits results to the relevant chamber, which canvasses and certifies results during the first day of its next regular session (W. Va. Code § 3-6-11).
For elections of state officers: the secretary of state transmits results to the speaker of the House of Delegates; the chamber then canvasses and certifies results on the first day of its next regular session. A copy is also transmitted to the governor, who immediately tabulates the results and causes them to be printed in a newspaper (W. Va. Code §3-6-11).
For presidential electors and members of Congress: After receiving results from county commissioners within 30 days after the election, the governor ascertains who is elected and makes a proclamation thereof (W. Va. Code §3-6-11).
County clerk must deliver or transmit certified statements to the elections commission no later than 14 days after the election (Wis. Stat. § 7.60(5)).
The commission chair shall publicly canvass the results and make his or her determinations and certifications no later than the first day of December following the general election (Wis. Stat. §7.70(3)).
The county canvassing board shall meet at a time and place designated by the county clerk, but no later than the first Friday following the election (Wyo. Stat. §22-16-103(c)(1)). Immediately upon completion of the county canvass, the county clerk shall notify the secretary of state of the election results (Wyo. Stat. §22-16-108).
The state canvassing board shall meet no later than the second Wednesday following the election to review the state abstracts prepared by the secretary of state, compare them with the tabulation and materials prepared by the secretary of state, resolve any tie votes, and certify the abstract as the official state canvass (Wyo. Stat. §22-16-118).