The amount of election administration legislation from 2017 tracked similarly to years since 2011 both in the total number of bills introduced (2,373) and in the total number enacted (267). Every state and the District of Columbia introduced a bill, and of those, 42 enacted a piece of legislation.
To get the exact numbers from previous years, please see our Elections Legislation Database.
Security concerns dominated, including such issues as technology, election auditing and maintenance of voter registration lists. In fact, list maintenance had the most total bills introduced in the most states, with 119 bills in 38 states. Bills dealing with elections equipment and technology had 100 bills introduced across 30 states, and legislation on voted ballot returns had 84 bills introduced in 28 states. Voter ID had 113 total bills in 37 states. Felon voting rights had 67 bills in 28 states. Mail voting saw 56 bills in 21 states.
For additional information or questions, feel free to contact NCSL’s elections team.