Legislative Staff Legislative Staff Professional Development and Training Seminars NCSL provides a wide range of professional development and training opportunities designed specifically with legislative staff in mind.
Map Monday: When It’s Too Darn Hot Here is a look at the hottest recorded temperature at a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association station in each state.
Health Scope of Practice Policy Check out NCSL's resource to find out more about issues related to a range of non-physician health care practitioners who provide important services and can enhance access to care.
Technology Artificial Intelligence 2024 Legislation In the 2024 legislative session, at least 45 states introduced AI bills and 31 states adopted resolutions or enacted legislation.
Environment and Natural Resources Peril in the Pipes: Protecting the Public From Lead Exposure States have enacted legislation to prevent lead poisoning including mandatory lead testing, remediation, and public education on the effects of lead on human health.
Our American States NCSL Turns 50 We track the development of legislatures over the past 400 years and talk with a range of guests about the role of legislatures in the jigsaw puzzle of American governance.
Women’s Legislative Network Surviving Burnout: 5 Lessons for Women in the Workforce Wellness expert shares strategies for resilience and balance to combat stress on the job and at home.