Alabama |
$48,123/annually |
58/mile |
Up to $100/day depending on length of trip |
Alaska |
$50,400/annually |
58/mile |
$322/day |
Arizona |
$24,000/annually |
58/mile |
$35/day for the first 120 days of the regular session and for special sessions and $10/day thereafter. Members residing outside Maricopa County receive an additional $25/day for the first 120 days of the regular session and for special sessions and an additional $10/day thereafter. Set by statute. |
Arkansas |
$41,394/annually |
58/mile |
Current per diem rate for legislators who live more than 50 miles from the capitol in Little Rock is $149. Members who live within 50 miles of the Capitol are eligible to receive a reduced per diem (meals and incidentals, no lodging) of $55. Per diem rates are based on amounts published by the federal General Services Administration. |
California |
$110,459/annually |
53/mile |
$201/d for each day in session. |
Colorado |
$40,242 for members whose terms commmence Jan. 2019; $30,000 for members whose term began prior |
52/mile |
Up to $171 for members who live more than 50 miles from the capitol; $45/d for members who live 50 or fewer miles from the capitol. Set by the legislature. |
Connecticut |
$28,000/annually |
58/mile |
No per diem is paid |
Delaware |
$46,291/annually |
40/mile |
No per diem is paid |
Florida |
$29,697/annually |
44.5/mile |
$163/d based on the number of days in Tallahassee (V). |
Georgia |
$17,342/annually |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate |
$173/d (U). Set by the Legislative Services Committee. |
Hawaii |
$62,604/annually |
Members may claim a mileage reimbursement for reasonable and necessary use of a personal automobile in the conduct of official legislative business and discharge of duties when meeting certain criteria |
$225/d throughout session for members who do not reside on the island of Oahu; $10/d for members living on Oahu during the mandatory five-day recess only. |
Idaho |
$17,879/annually |
58/mile. One roundtrip per week. |
$139/d for members whose primary residence is over 50 miles from the statehouse; $55/d for members whose primary residence is less than 50 miles from the statehouse. (U) |
Illinois |
$65,836/annually |
39/mile |
$111/session day |
Indiana |
$26,490/annually |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate |
$181/d (U). |
Iowa |
$25,000/annually |
39/mile |
$169/d; $126.75/d for Polk County legislators (U). |
Kansas |
$88.66/calendar day |
58/mile |
$149/d. Tied to federal rate. |
Kentucky |
$188.22/day |
58/mile |
$163.90/d. |
Louisiana |
$16,800/annually |
58/mile |
$161/d (U). Tied to federal rate. |
Maine |
$10,131/annually |
44/mile |
$38/d lodging (or mileage and tolls up to $38/d in lieu of housing). $32/d meals. Set by statute. |
Maryland |
$50,330/annually |
58/mile |
$47/d meals. $109/d lodging. |
Massachusetts |
$66,257/annually |
Legislators are no longer reimbursed for mileage. Instead legislators receive an office expense stiped of $16,248 for legislators that live 50 miles or less from the state house and $21,664 for members who live more than 50 miles - this stipend can be used for travel expenses. |
No per diem is paid. |
Michigan |
$71,685/annually |
58/mile. One roundtrip per week. |
$10,800/y expense allowance for session and interim (V). Set by the compensation commission |
Minnesota |
$45,000/annually |
58/mile. One roundtrip per week. |
$86/d for senators; $66/d for representatives. |
Mississippi |
$23,500/annually |
58/mile |
$149/day (U). Tied to federal rate |
Missouri |
$35,915/annually |
37.5/mile |
$119/day |
Montana |
$92.46/legislative day |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate. |
$120.11/day. |
Nebraska |
$12,000/annually |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate. |
$149/d for members residing 50 miles or more from the capitol; $55/d for members residing within 50 miles |
Nevada |
$150.71/d for members elected in 2016; $159.89/d for members elected in 2018 (up to 60 days) |
Travel allowance is $10,000 for a regular session - can be used for travel to and from the capital or elsewhere within the State on legislative business and $1,200 for a special session. Additional travel allowance is $5,000 for a regular session. |
$149/day |
New Hampshire |
$200/2-year term |
Round trip home to and from the statehouse at either a) 38/mile for the first 45 miles and 19/mile thereafter, or b) reimbursed for round trip mileage at the federal rate; or when on other business, members may be reimbursed for actual expenses and mileage will be paid at the federal rate. |
No per diem is paid. |
New Jersey |
$49,000/annually |
none |
No per diem is paid. |
New Mexico |
$0 |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate. |
$161/d (Jan 15 - Feb. 28), $184/d (Mar. 1 - Mar. 16). |
New York |
$110,000/annually |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate. |
$174/d (including overnight) or $61/d (no overnight). |
North Carolina |
$13,951/annually |
29/mile. One roundtrip per week. |
$104/d (U). Set by statute. |
North Dakota |
$495/month |
54/mile. One roundtrip per week. Tied to federal rate. |
$177/d. |
Ohio |
$63,007/annually |
52/mile |
No per diem is paid. |
Oklahoma |
$35,021/annually |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate. |
$156/d (U). Tied to federal rate |
Oregon |
$31,200/annually |
58/mile |
$149/day |
Pennsylvania |
$88,610/annually |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate. |
$177/d. Tied to federal rate. |
Rhode Island |
$15,959/annually |
54.5/mile |
No per diem is paid. |
South Carolina |
$10,400/annually |
58/mile. One trip per week. |
$170/d. Tied to federal rate |
South Dakota |
$11,379/annually |
One trip is paid at 5/mile and the remaining are paid at 42/mile. |
$149/d (L) (U). |
Tennessee |
$24,316/annually |
47/mile |
$240/d for members residing greater than 50 miles from capitol; $61/d for members residing 50 miles or less. |
Texas |
$7,200/annually |
58/mile. $1.26/mile for single, twin and turbo engine airplanes. Set by general appropriations bill. |
$221/d. Set by ethics commission. |
Utah |
$285/calendar day |
54/mile |
Up to $100 plus tax/d for members that live more than 100 miles round trip from the capitol. |
Vermont |
$733.04/week during session |
58/mile. Tied to federal rate |
$126/d lodging (including overnight) or $66/d (no overnight). |
Virginia |
$18,000/annually Senate; $17,640/annually House |
58/mile |
$213/day |
Washington |
$48,731/annually; increases to $52,766/annually eff. 7/1/2019. |
58/mile |
$120/day |
West Virginia |
$20,000/annually |
48.5/mile |
$131/d (U). Set by compensation commission |
Wisconsin |
$52,999/annually |
48.5/mile |
Senate - $115/d Assembly - up to $162/d (including overnight) or up to $81/d (no overnight). Dane County members are authorized up to to $81/d. The maximum number of days per year that per diem can be claimed is 153 days. |
Wyoming |
$150/day |
58/mile |
$109/d (V). Set by legislature. |