• Applicant: An applicant prepares the grant application and completes the work outlined in the proposal—the work plan, deliverables, goals and objectives. The applicant may also be the host organization and fiscal manager of the grant funds.
• Host organization: A host organization raises funds for, launches and manages the fellowship program (e.g., identifying program champions, negotiating agreements with placement offices, managing the fellow application and selection process, organizing fellow placements, planning orientation and professional development). The host organization may also be the applicant or work closely with the applicant on the exploration and planning efforts as part of this grant. In other cases, the applicant will use the planning process to research and select a host organization.
• Fiscal host: A fiscal host provides fiscal management of grant funds to applicants who may not have capacity to do so. For example, a coalition of university students might form an informal organization to explore a science policy fellowship program and apply for the grant, but the coalition might not have fiscal structures in place to receive or manage funds. In this case, the coalition could partner with a fiscal host (e.g., university, local nonprofit organization), an entity that will receive and disburse the grant funds and provide fiscal management.