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Improve Member Engagement and Participation

Expectation: Through effective communication techniques and focused outreach, more state legislators and staff will be connected and interact with NCSL.

Objective 1A

Rethink the NCSL state liaison and state coordinator systems to increase awareness, knowledge and use of NCSL.

  • Develop, review and modify objective and measurable criteria for a successful state liaison. (FY 22-23)
  • Explore a staff coordinator program. (FY 23)
  • Identify options to re-imagine the state liaison system. (FY 22)

Objective 1B

Monitor the engagement of states, legislators and staff by developing systems to evaluate and measure state engagement. (FY 22-24)

Objective 1C

Create more opportunities for affinity groups of legislators and staff to connect and engage.

  • Identify and prioritize potential affinity groups not currently being served. (FY 22)
  • Increase opportunities for these groups, including partisan and geographic groups, to convene. (FY 22-23)

Objective 1D

Enhance targeted communication to legislators and staff based on unique interests and roles.

  • Explore leveraging a partner for predictive analysis. (FY 23)
  • Create a strategy for personalized communication. (FY 23-24)
  • Adopt a strategy for engaging new legislators following the 2022 election. (FY 22-23)
  • Create annual legislator and staff outreach communications goals (FY 22-24)
  • Develop a video/web onboarding program to assist new legislators and legislative staff in the performance of their jobs and knowledge of NCSL resources. (FY 22-23)
  • Invest in data collection of legislators and staff, including demographics. (FY 22-23)
  • Reach out to NCSL partners for expertise. (FY 22)

Objective 1E

Review and adopt modern branding and graphics.

  • Engage a branding consultant to evaluate NCSL products and propose updates. (FY 22)
  • Evaluate current capabilities in audio/visual/graphics communications. (FY 22)
  • Create more visual communications, professional development and training. (FY 22-23)

Identify Alternative Revenue Streams

Expectation: By identifying and establishing new, ongoing funding sources, NCSL can increase its revenues and reduce its dependence on state dues.

Objective 2A

  • Explore all possible funding sources for NCSL, including monetizing available assets and reducing expenses.
  • Explore monetization of NCSL’s website. (FY 22)
  • Explore options for monetizing NCSL’s real estate assets. (FY 22)
  • Complete assessment to identify new non-grant revenue sources. (FY 22)
  • Identify and seek additional grant funding. (FY 22)
  • Review and modify NCSL’s investment policy. (FY 22)
  • Pursue congressional support for a study on strengthening the legislative institution. (FY 24)
  • Research a large donor(s) to establish an endowment to support state legislative institutions. (FY 23)

Objective 2B

  • Partner with the NCSL Foundation to explore revenue opportunities.
  • Engage new Foundation members more effectively. (FY 22)
  • Identify corporate entities that have reduced political spending and solicit them for financial participation in NCSL. (FY 22)

Objective 2C

  • Create a reserve fund.
  • End FY21 with a surplus and apply to the negative fund balance. (FY 21)
  • Use any surplus to start a reserve fund.

Promote the Legislative Institution and NCSL's Brand

Expectation: NCSL will empower and equip legislators and staff with tools to promote legislatures as the preeminent branch of governance, as well as elevate NCSL’s brand and profile.

Objective 3A

  • Design materials and programs spotlighting the history, function, traditions, and purpose of legislatures.
  • Consolidate, edit and promote a multi-media library to make this information more engaging and accessible for legislators and staff. (FY 22)
  • Create “exit speech” database. (FY 23)
  • Continue and expand partnership with organizations with an interest in democracy. (FY 23)

Objective 3B

Expand a continuing legislative education program for staff by producing content for the Video Resource Center. (FY 23)

Objective 3C

Pursue partnerships for legislative strengthening by joining other organizations in promoting the legislative institution. (FY 24)

Elevate NCSL's Position as the Leading Convenor of Bipartisan Conversations

Expectation: NCSL will empower and equip legislators and staff with tools to promote legislatures as the preeminent branch of governance, as well as elevate NCSL’s brand and profile.

Objective 4A

Convene moderated conversations on important issues that represent differing voices and opposing perspectives.

  • Develop a format for the conversations that models respect and inclusive dialogue. (FY 22-23)
  • Identify relevant topics and partisan speakers for a roundtable discussion. (FY 22-24)
  • Advance this protocol through open discussion at NCSL events. (FY 22-24)
  • Create partnerships with other groups to conduct these conversations. (FY 24)

Objective 4B

  • Offer programs and materials to promote civility within the legislature.
  • Develop resources on civility. (FY 22)
  • Expand training options on civil discourse in the legislature. (FY 23)
  • Seek funding to expand programming on civility to legislatures. (FY 22-24)

Objective 4C

  • Evaluate conference/event programming formats to better engage attendees.
  • Identify, implement and evaluate presentation methods to encourage attendee interactivity, participation, discussion and peer learning. (FY 22-23)
  • Develop an internal training program on presentation and facilitation planning and skills. (FY 22)

Objective 4D

  • Convene state committee chairs with congressional chairs.
  • Prioritize issues of primary concern. (FY 22)
  • Arrange meetings so state policy chairs and leaders can learn from each other and congressional chairs. (FY 23)
  • Contact NCSL

  • For more information on this topic, use this form to reach NCSL staff.