Arturo Pérez is vice president of the NCSL State Services Division, which includes the Center for Ethics in Government, Center for Legislative Strengthening, Fiscal Affairs Program, Legislative Staff Services Program and the State Tribal Institute. In his role as a member of the NCSL Executive Management Team, he assists in developing and monitoring the organization’s budget, participating in the hiring process for new staff within the division, overseeing the work of managers within the division, advising/supporting managers on issues pertaining to their programs, participating in EMT activities and decision making, providing objective advice to the executive director on matters pertaining to the division and organization and conducting performance reviews of division program managers. An NCSL staff member since 1990, he has bachelor’s degrees in history and political science from Texas A&M University. He also received a master’s degree from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin.