Rule IV: Standing Committee Procedures
A. There shall be standing committees and task forces of NCSL whose number and jurisdictions are determined by the Executive Committee. The standing committees and task forces (1) consider federal issues that affect states; (2) formulate policy positions on federal issues; (3) exchange information about state and federal policy matters; (4) consider and evaluate innovative approaches to state issues; (5) develop policy options and recommendations regarding state issues and legislative organization, management and procedures.
B. The legislator officers of the Conference’s standing committees, including the overall standing committee legislator officers, shall be appointed by the President and the President-elect for a term of two years. There shall be at least two overall legislator vice chairs, one from each of the two major political parties, as defined by the NCSL bylaws. Each year, the Staff Chair appoints one overall staff Co-Chair and at least one overall staff vice chair, and one staff Co-Chair and at least one vice chair to each standing committee. The legislative staff officers of the Conference’s standing committees, including the overall legislative staff Co-Chairs and the overall legislative staff vice chairs, serve staggered terms of two years.
C. A quorum for the adoption of policy directives and resolutions in Standing Committees shall consist of representation of appointed legislator members, or in their absence, legislator substitutes designated in writing by appointed members’ presiding officers, from at least ten (10) member jurisdictions. Letters designating substitutes or new appointments shall be delivered to the appropriate legislator committee Co-Chairs no later than the beginning of the committee session at which a vote on public policy will occur. The Legislator Co-Chairs of each standing committee shall, prior to a committee vote(s) on a matter of public policy, establish the presence of a quorum.
D. All voting in standing committees, subcommittees or task forces shall be by voice, except when a roll call vote is requested by two (2) member jurisdictions, or is called by the legislator Co-Chairs.
E. On matters of public policy that place the standing committees, subcommittees, and task forces on public record, an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the member jurisdictions who respond to the most recent quorum call is required. A state not present for the most recent quorum call can before the start of the next roll call vote request recognition from the presiding legislator chair and be recorded as present for purposes of the quorum. New quorum calls shall be conducted at the request of five (5) member jurisdictions. On all other matters, a quorum being present, action is final by majority vote of the member jurisdictions who responded to the most recent quorum call.
F. Votes on matters of public policy shall be cast by appointed legislator members, or in their absence, by legislator substitutes designated in writing by appointed members’ presiding officers. All legislators duly registered for the Annual Meeting shall be entitled to vote at the business meeting. Legislative staff shall not be entitled to vote on matters of public policy. In the event of a roll call vote, each member jurisdiction shall be entitled to cast one undivided vote. Each member jurisdiction shall select a spokesperson who will announce the vote of the delegation. Disputes on the presence of a quorum or voting procedures shall be settled by ruling of the legislator chair.
G. Co-Chairs of the standing committees have authority to preserve order and decorum and have charge of the rooms in which the committees meet.
H. Each standing committee, subcommittee and task force shall produce a summary of each of its meetings. Included in the summary shall be a record of its roll call votes by member jurisdiction.
I. Standing committees, shall approve, approve with amendment, postpone, table or defeat each policy directive and resolution submitted to it.