Legislators receive an annual salary of $59,674.08.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
The per diem rate depends on how far a member is from their base. Legislators who are 0-5 hours and 59 minutes from their base do not receive a per diem. Legislators who are 6-12 hours outside of their home receive $12.75 per day. Legislators who are over 12 hours away from their home base with no overnight receive $34 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $84,000.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$307 per day. Legislators whose place of permanent residence is not in Juneau can receive per diem for lodging and meal expenses for each day the legislature is in session. Juneau legislators receive no session per diem. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Session per diem is tax exempt. Special session per diem is non-taxable if certain requirements are met. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
American Samoa
Legislators receive an annual salary of $25,000.
Members do not receive mileage reimbursement.
Legislators only receive a per diem in connection with approved travel authorization. The federal per diem rate is used. Per diem is vouchered. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $24,000.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
Legislators whose primary residence is in Maricopa County receive $35 per day. Legislators whose primary residence is outside Maricopa County receive $251.66 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $44,356.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
For legislators residing within 50 miles of the Capitol: $59 per day. For legislators residing 50 miles or more from the Capitol: $166 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $128,215.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$214 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is tax exempt for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Colorado (Data is from 2023)
Legislators whose terms started in 2023 receive an annual salary of $43,977. Legislators whose terms started in 2021 receive an annual salary of $41,449.
59 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
For legislators residing within 50 miles of the Capitol: $45 per day. For legislators residing 50 miles or more from the Capitol: $237 per day. Per diem is vouchered. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Per diem is tax exempt for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Connecticut (Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $40,000.
65.5 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
Members do not receive per diem.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $50,678.
50 cents per mile.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
Members do not receive per diem.
District of Columbia
Councilmembers receive an annual salary of $161,233.19.
In-town mileage is not reimbursable. Out-of-town mileage is reimbursed if the member is on official business and the destination is farther than 50 miles one way from the District of Columbia. Members must present proof of actual mileage incurred and it is reimbursable at rates established by the federal GSA schedule.
Councilmembers do not receive per diem.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $29,697.
44.5 cents per mile. Legislators are reimbursed for actual travel to and from their district to the Capitol for one round trip per week.
$175 per day up to the maximum of 60 days. Members can receive per diem outside of session at a rate of $80 per day or lodging costs at a single rate and a $36 meal allowance for travel on official business outside their district.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $24,341.64.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$247 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is vouchered. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $55,677.44.
Members do not receive mileage reimbursement.
Members do not receive per diem.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $74,160.
For the House: Members do not receive mileage reimbursement.
For the Senate: 67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate. Members can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$225 per day, but only non-Oahu legislators are eligible.
Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is tax exempt for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $19,913.
65.5 cents per mile, set by the Idaho Board of Examiners.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
For legislators residing within 50 miles of the Capitol: $74 per day. For legislators residing more than 50 miles from the Capitol: $221 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $89,250.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
$166 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Per diem is tax exempt for some state legislators.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $32,070.24.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$196 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $25,000.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$178 per day for legislators living outside of Polk County. $133.50 per day for legislators who live within Polk County. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Per diem is tax exempt for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislator salary is based on a daily rate of $88.66 for each session day, including weekends, and for attendance to any committee meetings or approved conference attendance during the interim.
65.5 cents per mile, increasing to 67 cents per mile July 1, 2024. Legislators can receive one round trip reimbursement per week during session. Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$166 per day, based on the federal rate. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislator salary is based on a daily rate of $188.22 per calendar day during session for those whose elected terms started before 2023. Legislators whose elected terms started after 2023 receive $203.28 per calendar day while in session. Legislators can receive daily salary during interim on approved days.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$182.60 per day to cover all expenses. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is tax exempt for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session at varying rates.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $16,800 plus an additional $6,000 per year as an unvouchered expense.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$166 per day. Changes with federal rates every Oct 1st. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is reimbursed to state legislators when they submit receipts or turn in expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Per diem is tax exempt for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $16,245.12 in the first legislative session and $11,668.32 in the second legislative session.
The lesser of either 55 cents per mile or the federal standard mileage rate.
The session per diem rate for state legislators is $70 per day for lodging, or, in lieu of lodging, round-trip mileage at the lower of $0.55 per mile or the federal standard mileage rate, plus actual tolls and $50 per day for meals. Per diem is vouchered. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $54,437.
67 cents per mile.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
Lodging is $115 per day and meals are $63 per day. Per diem is reimbursed to state legislators when they submit receipts or turn in expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $73,655.01.
Members do not receive mileage reimbursement.
Members do not receive per diem.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $71,685.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
No per diem is paid. Legislators receive an expense allowance of $10,800 per year for session and interim. Set by the compensation commission. Vouchered.
Minnesota (Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $51,750.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$66 per day for House members. $86 per day for Senate members. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Per diem is tax deductible for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $23,500.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$166 per day for Senate members. $157 per day for House members if present on roll call. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some senators. Per diem is taxable for all representatives. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $41,070.14.
65.5 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$132.80 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators.
Legislator salary is based on a daily rate of $104.86 on any legislative day during session and on committee days during the interim.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$171 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators.
Nebraska (Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $12,000.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
For legislators residing within 50 miles of the Capitol: $55 per day. For legislators residing 50 miles or more from the Capitol: $151 per day. Both rates are tied to federal per diem rates.
Nevada (Data is from 2023)
Legislator salary is based on a daily rate of $130 for each day the legislature is in session.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Members receive per diem, amounts not available.
New Hampshire
Legislators receive an annual salary of $100.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Members do not receive per diem.
New Jersey
Legislators receive an annual salary of $49,000.
Members do not receive mileage reimbursement.
Members do not receive per diem.
New Mexico
Legislators do not receive a salary.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$191 per day. Per diem is vouchered. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
New York (Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $142,000.
65.5 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Members receive per diem, amounts not available.
North Carolina
Legislators receive an annual salary of $13,951.
29 cents per mile.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$104 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
North Dakota
Legislator salary is based on a monthly rate of $537 a month. This will increase to $592 a month starting on July 1, 2024.
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$205 per day. $213 per day starting July 2024. Per diem is reimbursed to state legislators when they submit receipts or turn in expense reports. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Northern Mariana Islands (Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $32,000.
No data available.
Members do not receive per diem.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $71,099.
Members of the General Assembly who reside outside of Franklin County receive mileage reimbursement for one round trip by the most direct route between their homes and the Statehouse for each week they are in Columbus on official business. Reimbursement is paid quarterly in arrears and is based on the cents-per-mile rate established for state travel reimbursement by the director of budget and management. As of July 1, 2024, the rate was 58 cents per mile.
Members do not receive per diem.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $47,500.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$174 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable and tax deductible for all state legislators.
(Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $35,052.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$157 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $106,422.33.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate. Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$185 per day.
Per diem is vouchered. Per diem is tax deductible for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Puerto Rico
Legislators receive an annual salary of $73,775.04.
Members do not receive mileage reimbursement.
Members do not receive per diem.
Rhode Island
Legislators receive an annual salary of $19,037.
65.5 cents per mile
Members do not receive per diem.
South Carolina
Legislators receive an annual salary of $10,400.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$231 per day. Per diem is vouchered. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
South Dakota
Legislators receive an annual salary of $13,436.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$166 per day for legislators who reside more than 50 miles away from the Capitol. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is tax exempt for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $28,405.96
67 cents per mile. Mileage reimbursement is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$326.47 per day. Legislators living within 50 miles of the Capitol receive a reduced amount of $47 per day. Per diem is reimbursed to state legislators when they submit receipts or turn in expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Texas (House of Representatives data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $7,200.
For representatives: 65.5 cents per mile and mileage is tied to the federal rate. For senators, for car travel: $.60 per mile for airplane travel: $1.21 per mile Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$221.00 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
U.S. Virgin Islands (Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $85,000.
Members do not receive mileage reimbursement.
Members do not receive per diem.
Legislator salary is based on a daily rate of $293.55 per legislative day. A legislative day is defined as days during the Annual General Session, a special session, an extraordinary session, or attending a meeting authorized by the Legislative Management Committee.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
Per diem is allowed, with receipt, for lodging and meals during the annual general session or any other authorized legislative day. The maximum reimbursement for lodging is the current General Services Administration rate ($139 in 2024). Meal reimbursement is up to $13 for breakfast, $15 for lunch and $26 for dinner. Per diem is reimbursed to state legislators when they submit receipts or turn in expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislator salary is based on a weekly rate of $843.32.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
Members do not receive per diem during session.
Members can receive per diem outside of session at a rate of $168.66 per day.
Legislators in the Virginia Assembly receive an annual salary of $17,640. Senators receive an annual salary of $18,000.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$213 per day, which is tied to the US GSA rate for Richmond. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Per diem is tax exempt for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislators in the Washington House of Representatives receive an annual salary of $61,997. Legislators in the Washington Senate receive an annual salary of $60,191.
For the House: 67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session. For the Senate: Legislators do not receive mileage reimbursement during session but may receive it in the interim at the federal rate.
$202 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Legislators may also choose to receive a lesser per diem rate and a lesser number of claimed days. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.
West Virginia (Data is from 2023)
Legislators receive an annual salary of $20,000.
65.5 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Members who commute daily receive $75 per day. Members who do not commute daily receive $175 per day.
Legislators receive an annual salary of $57,408.
For the House: 67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate. Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
For the Senate: $0.51 per mile for a car and $0.285 per mile for a motorcycle.
For the House: The overnight rate is $155.70 per day. The non-overnight rate is $77.85 per day. Legislators representing a portion of the county where the Capitol is located receive only the rate of $77.85 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for some state legislators. Per diem is tax exempt for some state legislators.
For the Senate: Up to $140 per day for days spent in Madison for state business. Dane County Senators are allowed half of that amount, or $70 per day. Legislators automatically receive the set per diem on eligible days and do not need to turn in receipts or expense reports. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators.
Members can receive per diem outside of session.
Legislator salary is based on a daily rate of $150.
67 cents per mile. Mileage is tied to the federal rate.
Legislators can receive mileage reimbursement outside of session.
$109 per day. Per diem is reimbursed to state legislators when they submit receipts or turn in expense reports. Per diem is vouchered. Per diem is taxable for all state legislators. Members can receive per diem outside of session.